Firefox: Check Spelling As I Type?


Mac Convert for Life
Is there a freeware app that I can install that will make Firefox check spelling as I type, like Safari does? That's the one feature that Safari has that Firefox is really lacking. :(
Yeah, I was just looking at that one, but it doesn't offer a check spelling as you type feature. I'm looking for one that does, if it even exists... Thanks anyway, though.
OmniWeb from the OmniGroup, has this feature because of Mac OS X's built-in checker, however... that's a whole other browser. :-\
adambyte said:
OmniWeb from the OmniGroup, has this feature because of Mac OS X's built-in checker, however... that's a whole other browser. :-\
Hmm ... another browser. Well, let's see. I already have Safari, Firefox, Camino and Internet Explorer. One more can't hurt. LOL
It should be noted that OmniWeb uses a special version of WebCore... and though it is not the version bundled with the operating system, it means that OmniWeb has pretty much the same compatibility with web pages as Safari.

If you were using Firefox because you wanted the pages to display different than they are in Safari... OmniWeb wouldn't be the best choice.

On the other hand, I don't believe any of the Mozilla based browsers use Services provided by Mac OS X.

The main reason OmniWeb is my main browser is the massive amount of features and the ability to access tons of additional services from other applications. That and I've been using it since around 1998.

Here are some of the other browsers I have installed on my system...


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LOL That was a nice, subtle one, yeah. ;)

Actually, and this is probably going to sound silly, the primary reason I switched from Safari to Firefox is, quite simply, because Safari is ug-lay. LOL I'm absolutely amazed at all the themes, add-ons, extentions, etc. that Firefox has. It's a whole new world to explore with all the themes each time you browse the 'Net with Firefox. I'm lovin' it! :D

Oh, and also: Firefox seems to render Web pages more accurately (and faster) than Safari.