Flag and Show Item Info


Anybody know how to change the US flag on the menu bar to a Canadian one without having the keyboard change to some strange frankophone configuration?

Also, is there any way to change the text colour of the "Item Info" (activated when flagged in the Show View Options pop-up box). That default cyan is a dreadful mix with many colours.


Another two short Qs:
-Can I get rid of that short cut arrow?
-Can I make a file disappear without renaming it with a period prefix? (I'd like to get rid of the Documents folder from sight but allow applications to continue using it - I think applications missuse it and it's just ugly to me).
-I guess I'll squeeze a third in here; in Finder you can choose to go to a folder from the menu, I want to edit those folders (as I do in the side frame of directory windows too). Can I?
Not asking for much... It would help to know what version you are using. 10.3 is different from 10.2

Make a folder disappear but still use it? What you probably want is ShapeShifter or similar shareware that will change your icons to something more appealing.

Editing your menu will mean learning to work in Terminal.
Ah, I see how not knowing the OS can be a problem. I've added a signature, accordingly.

I'm pretty familiar with the terminal. In fact, I should search for a good hex editor so I can mess around with these Mac files just for fun. Anyway, Unix and OSX is kinda new turf for me (maybe just less that 2 years now [I must be getting old if I'm that slow :( ]) so getting pointed in the right direction by senior users is really helpfull.
Excellent. I thought much of the article was fluff though (I wonder if this Ted Landau gets a little kickback). Half of it seemed to be a product ad and manual. Nonetheless it got to the point (albeit fuzzy with drag'n'drop blab) with the SetFile command from the OSX Developer Tools. Thanks.

For anybody not wanting to go through the torture, here is how to hide a file in finder. The Developer Tools must be installed, which I think is not part of a common installation:

-In the terminal type /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a V /path/filename
-Reset the Finder.

Use a lower case v in the same command, instead of V, to make it visible again. Don't wory about losing it because it's still visible in the terminal.

That's one down and a million to go.