Flash MX Demo


Official Volunteer
I noticed a short fall of the recent Flash MX Demo install for OS X.

They seem to have forgotten to have you authenticate as an admin user during the install, resulting in some of the installed files required for the demo to work have insufficient priveleges.

Not being able to find every file that was fubar, I nuked the recently installed demo, logged in as root, and tried it again. It worked.

Bad Macromedia.

I wonder if they can spell "QA"?
Well.. i recently bought the upgrade from F5 and everything seems to work just fine... appart from some errors in the docs :(

Runs very smoothly on X.1
Glad to hear it is running well. I have not had a chance to use the demo yet, has there been many improvements?
Flash MX:

Yes it is great in OS X.
Really clunky in 9.
Has contextual menu madness in the Actions panel (without 'click-and-glide' yer fingers would drop off).
Dreamweaver-like property panel.
The new panel sets look like they've been ported direct from the PC (no tabbed docking??).
User interface components like ready-made scrollbars that I can't get to work with anything. Must have missed that bit in the 67th software manual I've had to read this year.
In both OS X and 9 it crashes when changing a font, probably due to the amount of fonts on my system.
Nice colour picker.
Slightly concerned about creating anything that needs the new Shockwave player 6 until it gets out and about a bit.

Apart from a few niggles above, it seems OK, have only used it on one site so far.

What errors in what docs?
Hi LAdesign,

Sorry, I just got round to looking at the Flash errata page. Some of it looks fairly normal for 'new generation' software.

2000% zoom?? Glad of a large monitor!

Hidden layers being published in the player looks like a recipe for heavy swfs. I haven't noticed whether v5 did that.

I can't see a reason for having the scrollbar component and the text field in different layers. Surely that would add weight to swfs?

Ahaaa! The cross-domain security (under the Publishing heading) will come in handy... no monkeying with my movies without paying.

Yes, I am a long way from being a hardcore scripter. My eyes glaze over and the manual turns into a grey fog.

Not enough UK members in here. Cheers!