Flash security violation?


Any of you experience the following?

SecurityError: Error #2060: Security sandbox violation: ExternalInterface caller http://cdn1.eyewonder.com/200125/756124/1042158/mbimp_coverage_rich_2_300x250.swf cannot access about:blank.
at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/_initJS()
at flash.external::ExternalInterface$/addCallback()
at EW()
at EW$/getInstance()
at EW$/initialize()
at mbimp_coverage_rich_2_300x250_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

I got it when i went to www.imeem.com just now

Should I worry??

The site works for me (at least initial page, so unless you got the error with a specific task it's different..)
When I try to load that link separately, my ad blockers block it. In any browser.
eyewonder.com seems to contain only ads so I would probably worry not too much - but if you get it also on other browsers (and if others get it) it may be worth to report to imeem. That ad on the link has something fishy, or should we say badly flashy in it...