Folder Actions auto-enable?????


i set folder actions up....
and they work great, but problem is that every-time i reboot...the folder actions turn off and i forget to turn them on again.

any way to keep them enabled?
Folder Actions shouldn't turn off on a reboot. Try trashing the '' in User/Library/Preferences and restarting.

I would also run Repair Permissions from Disk Utility in your Utility folder, and Repair Disk while booted off your OS disc.
Really, Bob? Folder Actions have always turned off on reboot for me. It's been that way through clean system reinstallations, too, so I doubt it's a simple plist thing.

This drove me crazy, so I made a little AppleScript applet to enabled folder actions, then added that to my login items (in System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items). I've attached the applet.

Or if you want to make the applet yourself, the source is simple:
tell application "System Events"
	set folder actions enabled to true
end tell


i just make a new script using the above code to enable folder actions, then start entourage...and then save this into an applet