From iPod to iPDA (again)


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
Considere the iPod, with music, address and calendar display capabilities (image)

Considere Inkwell: handwriting recognition software

Modifiy the iPod front for a larger and sensitive screen

What do you get ?

a PDA... with music... and nearly infinite memory.

Heavy you said ? Not more than a regular PDA + a regular Walkman.

Add BlueTooth in this device and in the iMac... and it synchs each time you are near to the iMac, no cable.
I think all of us here at are quite sure that if Apple wanted to, they could release a kick-butt PDA that would smack the PDA industry upside the head. Whether Apple is actually going to anytime.... that's a completely different story.
I think all of us here in Europe think that generalisations are generally a good thing. :)
lol.... alright, point taken. It's just the general feeling I get from this community, that's all. I feel like I've just seen SO much about iPod becomming a PDA, that's all.
Bah, if Apple's going to do a PDA what they need to do is seperate the storage/memory/CPU from the screen by dropping Bluetooth in at both ends. IF that'd be fast enough for a screen, and the battery could be light and small enough. Stuff the brains of the unit deep in a pocket, then just keep the screen someplace easy to access.
That's actually a concept I've been thinking of for a long time now. Have a does-it-all yet small box (maybe notebook sized but without screen) in a bag and actually USE front-ends to several technologies. For example, you could have a headset as a phone. Of course you could also dial from the PDA or use the dumb-terminal-like subnotebook that wouldn't even have to contain a harddisk, as it would only display what the computer in the bag is actually computing. You could watch the DVD inside the actual computer on either a PDA or the subnotebook - whatever you choose. Or, of course, use the video beamer at home.

All connected wirelessly.

But BlueTooth is MUCH too slow for this. Next generation WiFi is much faster, but still at 54 Mbps much too slow for many things.