ftp access outside /Users/*


hunger buster
I would like to config my ftp server to allow
(at least one user) to access parts of my machine
outside the /Users/ directory, especially my other

I imagine that there are some security risks involved
in doing this, but I would like to know how to do
this all the same. It would be really great to know
how to turn access on and off to certain directories.

Can I do this with osX's default ftp server, or do I
need to install another ftp server? Does the ftp
client used make any difference?

If someone could point me in the right direction, I'd
appreciate it.

actually, you dont have to do anything.

The normal mode for FTP would allow that.

For example, I can FTP into my G4 as my usual user and can then
do a 'cd /Volumes' w/o problem.

Perhaps your thinking of the chroot hack in the Apple ftpd that makes
the machine do a chroot if the user's name is in a ftpchroot (or whatever
the name is, see 'man ftpd').
i guess that it was the ftp client I was using
(IE5 from a PC at work to my mac at home).
It wouldn't let me nav outside of my /Users/ dir.

I used NN 4.x, 6.x on a PC and it worked fine.

I also noticed that when you use Win/IE as an ftp
client, it displays your login & ** PASSWD ** (!!!)
in the IE button down in the taskbar.

Nice MS security. . . sheesh. . .