G3-266 2nd HD?


Is it possible to install a 2nd HD in my Beige G3 Desktop?
Or do I have to get rid of my old 4gb drive?
come on boys!
somebody need to know this!
How do I get my old stuff over to the new one?

please help
im sure you can... open up your apple system profiler and find out if your mac is a ATA G3 or a SCSI based one... that will detrermine what type of drive to get...

also, is your g3 a tower or one of those flat box type ones? that will determine how to goabout it.

btw, the best site to find answers like this about specific hardware upgrades is www.xlr8yourmac.com
If you have no problems replacing your floppy disk you can rip that out and use it as a space to hold a new hard drive...

you'll also need to get an ata cable that has three connectors, the one in that model only has a two connector cable.

i used to have a mac like that at work a few years ago.
The floppy is a good idea. This is going to get out.

But where does this ATA cable get connected?
Isn't there a slave somewhere?

I recently pulled the floppy out of my beige G3 desktop to make room for a swap space HD. If you don't have a Zip drive in your model (I didn't) then you should have a spare ATA connection on the cable coming from the CD-ROM drive and an extra power plug coming off the cable that is also attached to the CD-ROM. Just make sure you set the jumper pins correctly on the second HD to set it as slave, as the CD-ROM will be the master on that ATA bus. good luck!
hi thetdb!

how do i set the
jumper pins right as a slave?
I never did this.

Thank you for all the advises!

Originally posted by makus
hi thetdb!

how do i set the
jumper pins right as a slave?
I never did this.

Thank you for all the advises!


makus, www.xlr8yourmac.coom has a great slave / master chart for all major drives makes and models... check it out and look for your model and brand

btw... sounds like it's not all that uncommon to tear out that floppy. my coworkers thought i was crazy. ha.
from what i understand, the floppy is completely non-functional under OS X...... not that i bothered to find out ;)
Originally posted by thedbp
from what i understand, the floppy is completely non-functional under OS X...... not that i bothered to find out ;)

Yup, Mac OS X does (of course) not have a floppy driver. I think someone is (or was) working on it, though :)
here's a nifty trick to do with the beige G3 – it has an internal SCSI bus which was used for the internal Zip drive on the models that shipped with one. If you don't have one, or if you have an external and can pull the Zip out, you can get a cheap 1 or 2 GB SCSI drive for a few bucks and hook up a separate swap partition for OS X. It really helps out on computers with slower bus speeds and G3 processors. Plus its a great way to fill up that lonely drive bay.

best part about the beige G3 is its ability to be upgraded to a dual G4. I'm slowly building mine into the main console of an A/V system as the controller, media server, etc.
Add a second hard drive to the computer using the mounting location to the left of the cdrom drive and above the place for the zip drive. I installed a 30GB drive here in mine. You will need a HD tray like your cd drive has. You do not have to remove the floppy drive and I wouldn't mine still works fine under 10.1.5. If you need pictures of how to do this i will email them to you.
Sixthring, was the 30GB a IDE or a SCSI? For the life of me, I can't figure out how one might get a 3 connection IDE ribbon cable to reach from the motherboard to the first IDE HD (by the motherboard) and up to the open slot above the zip drive.

I have a Beige G3 DT (G4 Upgraded) at work I would love to upgrade.
you need an IDE cable with a location to attach a slave device. See attached photos.


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