G3 Won't Start Up/OS 10.4.3


Blue/White Power Mac G3/400
OS 10.4.3

A couple weeks ago, I started having an issue with some Apple apps (Safari & iChat) where they would not open. I also couldn't do a software update. I then download the latest 10.4.4 update via the web and attempted to install it. It failed after going through most of the process. I then restarted the computer and now the computer stalls at the grey screen/apple/spinning gear and will not boot. I've tried starting from OS X.4 CD, but it will not. I've tried fixing by starting up in single user mode and typing "sbin/fsck/ -fy" but keep getting the following message....
*Checking Catalog File
Invalid BSD Filetype
Incorrect size for file ZoomValues.strings
(it should be 0 instead of 149533581377536)
I don't own Disk Warrior, and spending $75 on it would not really be worth it. Any ideas?

reset nvram, pram, try booting off the 10.4 DVD again holding down the "c" key.