G4/10.6 blue screen: which prefs to delete?


I have a Powerbook G4/12"/ 10.5.

I get a blue screen on bootup, but it can boot to safe mode.

I've reset PMU, run disk utility/ permissions & disk repair, fsck check, and then pulled down Applejack and ran the checks/ changes from there- all checks out OK. It has been a little since I dug into all the details, but I tried everything I could find for suggestions to help with this. Boot from the 10.6 install DVD shows the same behavior- safe boot OK, normal boot not.

_Some_ preference that loads at a normal boot is probably breaking this, some filesystem items load even for boot from DVD I believe.

When in safe boot, I've unloaded custom things like NTFS file reading extensions, etc, no change when I test at normal boot.

Can someone suggest what I can delete as a test? I really do not wish to reformat this one at this time.

Thanks for suggestions-
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Boot to Verbose mode (command-V).
You may see that the boot stops at a particular point, and verbose boot may make that simple to see where the boot stops, by the text showing at that point.