G4 tower wont get past smiling Mac



First time on a forum so please excuse all my deficiencies.

I have a Mac G4 tower. On a start up it doesn't get past the smiling mac icon. I have tried:
Safe start
Ram purger
Complete re installs of os9 and then osx, now back to os9.
Removing and putting back the Ram modules.

I can launch the mac and run from a system CD. I have run and fixed all issues using disk utilities but it still won't start up. Never had problems like this before. It's about 6 years old.

Any suggestions would be very welcome.

D---- I Don't Know But Try Zap The Pram On Start Up For 3 Chimes Times.
Press Comm-opt-p-r Keys And Hold Til You Have Heard The Chimes 3 Separate Times. Then Release And See If It Will Reboot.-it's Worth A Try.
If you've installed Mac OS 9 on it (that's what I gathered from your original post), just boot to that and install the appropriate firmware. Mac OS 9 should have installed some sort of browser, albeit an old one (probably IE 5.1.x or Netscape 4.x), but you can still browse to this page and follow the link provided.
Do you have a spare hard disk, firewire HD or even an iPod to try booting from?
The fact that it won't boot from the internal HD, but will from CD points toward a disk
(or disk controller) issue maybe?
HDs are so cheap now, it's worth grabbing another one anyway :-)

Good luck!