G5 vs G4


Out of pure love of my iBook (my first leap into the Mac world) I have decided to add another mac to my family.

I was looking at the G5's: that's the "new" thing so I instantly decide on one of thoes. However, the dual 1.25 GHz PowerMac caught my eye. Now, mind you, there isn't much price difference between the entry level G5 and the Dual G4, so I ask you, do you have any insight as to the proformance of both in comparision to each other? I am going to get either one, I just need to know which.

Thanks :)
At current, if memory serves me, Dual G4 will beat entry G5. This will change as more apps are optimized for G5.

G5 looks a lot better.

In the long run, go for the G5...
Yeah, go for the G5. You will get panther and hopefully it will run a lot faster. And as voice pointed out: looks a lot hotter... ;)
I'd imagine that the dual-G4 is only faster with apps that support dual processors? Or running multiple tasks? The 1.6ghz G5 should beat it hands-down in single-threaded apps, right?
A little late, but I'll chime in anyway. The entry level G5 seems a bad choice, because it's a cripple. PCI slots are much slower than the next machine, bus speed hobbled and and. I wonder why Apple does that, just to get a specific price point.

I have gotten more than a one machine that was discontinued shortly after taking delivery, and this seems like a candidate for that.

Still, G5 is the future, just I think it's brighter over at the 1.8
I agree, I generally purchase the cheapest of the range. But I won't buy the cheapest G5 until the next revisions (I assume as is usually the case, the 1.8Ghz will drop down to entry level).

The 1.6's motherboard, if I am right, is the same as the last G4 motherboard. The 1.8 and dual 2's are new.
If you're short on space, get the G4. The G5's are freakin' monsters compared to anything else that came before them. But since you already ordered, it's a little too late... :)
The G5's are taller, longer and a good portion wider, about as wide as my beige G3 tower. This is from using one just yesterday at a store, and comparing it to a G4 (that was actually on the floor at the time, though before it was on the desk): after using a G5, other towers seem downright tiny.
the G5s are large....
but who cares ? theyre so damn quiet that if u have enough room for it (im sure we could all make a bit extra room for such an amazing piece) u wont even notice it... :) when i got in to an apple store here i was standin right next to it for 5 mins and i didnt notice it, u could barely hear; and then my cousin spotted it... and i freaked out (logical...) :p
Heh, I didn't even notice the size difference until I saw it on a counter near a G4. Then it struck me... HoLy ShIiTe, those things are a lot bigger than the G4's! No wonder they made a new case... but I still want one. I just love the internal arkitekky they have.
Originally posted by voice-
ksv, I thought you were anti-G5...what changed?

Anti G5?
Well, it really depends on what you do with your computer. A G4 still loads web pages faster than a G5 :D
But the G5 is basically twice as fast at 64 bit optimized operations. Okay, it's not really that simple, but once the system itself and more apps go 64 bit, we'll see a huge speed difference.
As an owner of a DP G4 1 GHz, I would say to go with a G5, but I love this machine. I use it for everything, but primarily for FCP and some audio processing. Rendering video and or audio with this machine is fantastic compared to my old G4 450, but as long as I don't see how fast a G5 will respond, I will be in a state of ignorant bliss for a year or two at least.
Originally posted by pds
A little late, but I'll chime in anyway. The entry level G5 seems a bad choice, because it's a cripple. PCI slots are much slower than the next machine, bus speed hobbled and and. I wonder why Apple does that, just to get a specific price point.

I have gotten more than a one machine that was discontinued shortly after taking delivery, and this seems like a candidate for that.

Still, G5 is the future, just I think it's brighter over at the 1.8

This would probably have been relevant if he had been comparing against an upper-end G5, but he was trying to compare the DP G4 against a low-level G5. Which one provides better value for the money? (I suppose that question has a lot to do with what you'll be using the box for - are you going to be utilizing the second processor a lot or not...)
The 1.6 Ghz G5 provides better longevity as it will work flawlessly with 64-bit applications.
I think the biggest misconception here, is that 64bit will increase performance in ALL apps, which is simply not true. A typical enduser has no use for 64bit at this time, simply because no enduser apps will take advantage of the 64bit info.

The biggest change will be in audio and video editing apps, games, and other complex programs.

The biggest advantage of 64bit-ness is that it can take advantage of practically an unlimited amount of ram....multiple terrabytes, whereas 32bit is limited to 4gig. Apps will be written to put more of the app in memory, which will VASTLY increase speeds

I also don't see Apple coming out with a full 64bit OS until next October with 10.4, or later. With a lack of optical and hd expansion slots, and the G5 being HIGHLY overpriced in the single machines, a dual G4 is a no brainer. If you must have a G5, at least wait until rev2 and get a dual G5
Bah! I think that 64 bit when done properly will increase every single computing task... While this increase might not more than 10% in everyday scenarios, at least it will be an increase :p
