Get the Shots

Are you sure it isn't just a plain old cold? Were you in contact with someone who traveled internationally? Please don't confuse Covid with the cold virus that occurs because of the strange weather patterns we have been experiencing. My sinuses have been acting up, but that's it. And I do occasionally get tired/fatigued but that's because I'm old (and doing projects that should be left to younger whipper snappers).

If you suspect you have covid, you need to get tested !!! And isolate yourself from everyone else.

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of break or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • Omicron variant: dry coughs, fever, night sweats, a lot of body pains (so far)
I'm pretty sure I just had Omicron. It matches the symptoms exactly. Extreme fatigue, and lasted about 2.5 days, after 3 days, the only thing that remains is some sinus crud.

I glad you recovered! So was it worst or better than Flu you had in past?
Conspiracy theories are really stupid. No one who I know got sick from the covid vaccines.
(and don't believe anything you see on *ox)
Seatbelts also won't prevent 100% of injuries and deaths in automotive accidents. But that clearly doesn't mean "they don't work." Do you choose not to use them too, for consistency?

For all the anecdotal stories of people with vaccines still being infected (and, yes, that is actually expected), I can equally tell stories of fit, young, and healthy people I knew who were infected before the vaccines arrived and, unfortunately, died. I'm not seeing much of that anymore, thankfully. But it is better not to deal with anecdote; proper data gives a much better picture.

Have a look at these graphs for the US and UK, as two examples. The coronavirus has mutated to become more and more transmissible (e.g. Delta and Omicron variants); current strains spread far faster than the original one. Remember the disastrous effects the Delta strain had upon India, with oxygen supplies running out and difficulties trying to cremate the dead fast enough? Despite the big increases in the likelihood of infecting people, deaths actually began to decrease significantly from around the time that vaccination was ramping up. Hmmmm, could be a link.... ?

Seatbelts also won't prevent 100% of injuries and deaths in automotive accidents. But that clearly doesn't mean "they don't work." Do you choose not to use them too, for consistency?
As a matter of fact, I do choose not to; I use a cheater clip. So, yes, I am consistent!
if you doubt me.
I do not doubt you that people you know got sick, I just think your number is a lot smaller than those hundred thousand (if not more) that did not get sick.
Keep in mind those vaccines do not have any live cultures of the virus.
I do not doubt you that people you know got sick, I just think your number is a lot smaller than those hundred thousand (if not more) that did not get sick.
Keep in mind those vaccines do not have any live cultures of the virus.
:) Yes, it is a lot smaller than "those hundred thousand". I likely don't even know a thousand people, let alone hundred thousand! I NEVER even mentioned hundred thousand.
As a matter of fact, I do choose not to; I use a cheater clip. So, yes, I am consistent!
I've not heard of cheater clips. I presume they are something to fit into the seatbelt to stop any alarms going off so you can drive without a belt (?). If so... seriously... why on earth would anyone do that? o_O Are they really considered that terrible to use?

No comment on the data, though? ;)

Or, with reference to it just being flu (which it clearly isn't), you've probably seen this graph I showed a while back. It compares the coronavirus to influenza (flu) deaths in the same year:

It's just the male end of a seatbelt without the strap.

Is it dangerous, sure. Is riding a bike or motorcycle without a helmet dangerous? Absolutely!
It's about our freedoms.
Am I, or the motorcycle riders endangering others? No.

I smoked for over 50 years. Still would have if not for cancer, NOT lung cancer, but a lymphoma in my stomach, and chemo put me in the hospital for 8 days. Did I endanger others? Wife of 44 years has no cancer nor do the 3 sons now in late 30's & early 40's.

Get off my lawn.
It sounds like a “cheater clip” is what I presumed. Using seatbelts seems a trivial thing to do to protect yourself. It’s really not a big inconvenience, but OK.

Risks with not wearing a seatbelt or helmet, sure, I agree: it mainly affects the user/non-user. Legality is another matter, but I’ll keep this brief. ;)

You emphasized not having lung cancer, but I presume you already know smoking significantly increases risks of stomach cancers too? You asked whether you endangered your family. OK, if you're really going there, I’ll give you a very honest answer… If you smoked outside and generally away from them, they my inclination would be to say you didn’t. If you smoked around them and indoors over many years, then I’d say yes, you did. Very thankfully, they have been fine to date. But this is once again back to anecdote vs. data.

I sometimes wonder how much public understanding (and potential for manipulation) comes down to the ability to follow and interpret data. From
Across all countries surveyed, we find that higher trust in scientists and having higher numeracy skills were associated with lower susceptibility to coronavirus-related misinformation.

For me, the debate about masks and vaccines is about not being selfish and about doing the right thing to protect each other (especially those who are medically vulnerable), based on scientific findings. I find it hard to understand when people don't care about the person next to them. In the US, don't children have to be vaccinated (against other things) in order to attend school and day care? If so, why aren't the same people objecting vehemently to that too?

I will always choose facts and scientific data over conspiracy theories and propaganda.
If so, why aren't the same people objecting vehemently to that too?

There are groups that do protest to the childhood vaccines * and now the results have come to fruition - measles, etc cases have appeared and climbing. But these groups are not as many as those against the covid vaccine.

* footnote: the debunked theory that those vaccines caused autism...but these groups don't trust the scientist and the data...hence an agreement to your statement above.
Ah yes, we have anti-vaxxers for children too. With sadly very predictable results..... Sigh. :rolleyes:

It does seem to be the coronavirus vaccines that get the most opposition and the most conspiracy theories these days.