Ghost Keyboard


Tropics Tech
Need the EXPERTS on this one...

All of a sudden.. the TAB, DELETE and the SPACE BAR stopped working... temporarily.

The only recent changes are: I just reset the Permissions and cleaned up all the Caches on the System.

Other than the GHOST, in my opinion, which is the HUMIDITY of the Caribbean!!!

Nevertheless, as far as i know... most Computers these days are sealed pretty tight and a large majority of the world runs Computers south of 40 degrees Latitude.

Is it time for a OS-X reinstall? It's been 6 months off the shelf and she still runs perfectly!

I thought the GHOSTS only existed in WINDOWS!!!



In response to your suggestion: I have reset the PRAM about 3 weeks ago... is this something that is suggested as a monthly maintenance program?

Have a good weekend. ;)

No the Pram holds everyday settings, you can read about it here. What I have found is reseting the Pram also helps USB/fireWire issues.

One other thing is how clean is that keyboard? The other thing is you can get a little tip for looking at your keyboard as you type and get you country's flag in your Finder menu. So open System Preferences->International pane and in there select the tab 'Input Menu'. There put a check mark in 'Character Palette ', 'Keyboard Viewer' and then put a check mark by Your Country's Flag. Then that flag will appear in you top right hand Finder menu. This way you can launch Keyboard viewer to see what is happening while you type.

Step 1:
  • "No the Pram holds everyday settings, you can read about it here. What I have found is reseting the Pram also helps USB/fireWire issues."
Noted and will keep that as a daily maintenance, it's easy enough to do each reboot. I did read that PRAM info before i wrote in here, thanks again though.

Step 2:
I keep it immaculately clean.

Step 3:
  • " the tab 'Input Menu'. There put a check mark in 'Character Palette ', 'Keyboard Viewer'..."
I knew of this and was able to watch my key strokes as i typed but the TAB, DELETE AND SPACE BAR did not light up.

Seems ok now... The PRAM reboot didn't work the first time but after a couple reboots at the LOGIN prompt and one Cold Reboot, it seems to be ok.

I am capable with electronics but have you ever pulled the face plate of a macbook? My concern is if a little bug has crawled in there to nest... i've seen a small ant crawling around before but as i said i keep it out of reach and clean. Your thoughts?

Caribbean OS-X
Todays Forecast: See Attached


  • Martinique_playa.jpg
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Don't have to reset the PRAM at *every* reboot. That'd be overkill (and you'll have to adjust sound etc. again everytime, because there _are_ settings saved in PRAM, that's what it's about - killing the PRAM is only a measure if _problems_ arise).

In response to your suggestion: I have reset the PRAM about 3 weeks ago... is this something that is suggested as a monthly maintenance program?

Have a good weekend. ;)


As already said, resetting PRAM is an emergency option. We use multple macs around here and the number of PRAM resets is lower than ONE a year. If possible try another keyboard (or try this keyboard on another system (even PC will do if it is equiped with USB) and verify the dead keys for proper funtioning.

if working oke, it looks like a corrupted keyboard setting, others can tell you were to find those settings. Maybe choose a different keyboard / language layout might help.

Good luck, Kees
Just to close this Thread...

The Keyboard was DEFECTED and was replaced by the "COMPANY".

It took 12 days to see the US Keyboard replacement, the certified Apple Dealer/Repair store changed it within ten min. I was impressed that it was the entire keyboard, touch pad, power button and faceplate that was Replaced.

NOTE: There is also a defect in the design, if you close the MacBook or apply too much pressure, the outer rim can crack the faceplate's edges... you will notice the two protruding stops at the top of the screen, where it makes contact, at these two points there is not sufficient support underneath... causing it to indent and eventually crack.

HINT: (Be careful and place a thin layer of foam in between the screen and keyboard for Protection)

Thanks for all the help.
