I found terminal through spotlight - I typed 1s -1
Not sure If I have done it correctly
This is what came up
Last login: Tue Oct 14 17:04:00 on ttys000
iMac:~ sueblock$ 1s -1
-bash: 1s: command not found
iMac:~ sueblock$
What is the $ about?

I tried to keep it super simple before because i tend toward wordy and confusing. I'll try a
bit more wordy.
When you run the Terminal and see:
-iMac:~ sueblock$
That's just a "command prompt" telling you the system you're on, where you are, and what username you are logged on with. Just think of '$' as Terminal saying
i'm finished; your turn to type. In Unix-speak,
'~' (tilde) refers to your home folder; shorthand for the
[your hard drive] --> Users -->
[your user name] folder in Finder.
ls is the command for a file/folder list of the directory you're "in"; the type of thing that's made much simpler and clearer by Finder windows and icons. Note that the command is
'ls' (lowercase 'L'; lowercase 'S')
If you type '
ls' by itself, the files and folders in the current directory will be listed in several collumns without
any other information.
-l (space, dash; lowercase 'L') after 'ls' is a "switch" or "option" which tells the terminal you want the
long listing with more information. Now...
(stay with me
remember those poor PC people had to deal srictly with this sort of thing all those years until windoze appeared. This is like the DOS days.) as for:
-bash: 1s: command not found
Trying not to get too confusing, a terminal is kind of a "dumb" program. When you start it up on the Mac, a command (i.e. Unix program) called "bash" is usually automatically run within Terminal. Bash is what's referred to as a "Command Shell". It's for looking around and executing
Unix commands, the underlying operating system OS X is based upon. Think of Terminal kind of like OS X, and Bash is like Finder.
Bash was just reporting it couldn't find the command because it was mistyped.
Even after typing in 1s -1 nothing came up until I pressed the return key.
Woops. My bad. I assumed too much. I should have said to press return after all the commands.
All this was done via the little Terminal box on the top left hand side of my computer screen. Is this correct?
Depends on prefs, but yes when you run terminal it should open a window for you to type into.
So there you have a very basic Terminal/Bash/Unix first lesson you didn't want.
Whenever this Unix/Bash/Terminal thingee is finished doing or attempting to do what you told it, it again shows you the command prompt:
-iMac:~ sueblock$
That lets you know it's finished and it's your turn again.
ls -l
...should give you something vaguely like this:
total 8
drwx------@ 313 scott staff 10642 Oct 14 04:34 Desktop
drwx------+ 42 scott staff 1428 Aug 13 11:35 Documents
drwx------+ 34 scott staff 1156 Oct 14 08:15 Downloads
drwx------@ 58 scott staff 1972 Oct 8 02:38 Library
drwx------+ 5 scott staff 170 Aug 3 13:33 Movies
drwx------+ 7 scott staff 238 Sep 6 02:03 Music
[B]drwx------+ 108 scott staff 3672 Sep 13 19:50 Pictures[/B]
drwxr-xr-x+ 5 scott staff 170 May 21 09:00 Public
drwxr-xr-x+ 5 scott staff 170 May 21 09:00 Sites
drwxr-xr-x 5 scott staff 170 Sep 28 01:02 mozilla
Then you can see what the permissions look like on the pictures folder.
Likely they will already be:
drwx------+ and you'll still be stuck.
Anyway, try looking at the GIF images also, as i mentioned.
ls -l ~/Desktop if that's where they are,
ls -l ~/.Trash if they're still in there.