Gif images problems



I have a Mac 10.5.5.

Some Gif images relating to software on my computer which were in the images folder on my Mac has been stupidly moved to the trash.

No matter how I try, I have been unable to reinstate them in the images folder. They seem to be stuck in the Trash folder.

Be so grateful if somebody could provide a step by step method to reinstate the Gif images into the images folder.

I am really so frustrated

thank you


What happens when you attempt to move them back to images?

I assume you have checked "Get Info" to see if security permissions are set strangely.
I have checked information - kind: Graphics Interchange Format
where: Users/sueblock
On opening Sharing & Permissions says I have "Read and Write Privileges."
On attempts to move the gif images back to the images folder- It allows me to highlight - moves away to the images folder and as soon as I let go of the mouse and place it into the images folder it jumps back to the place it is in the trash folder( though I don't think it is actually moving it seems to just give the illusion it is moving).


Tried that I can do that. Again, when I try dragging the gif image from the desktop back into the images folder - it just bounces back onto the desktop.


Weird stuff sblock ... ::alien::

Do you have any problems moving stuff around your home directory besides this one?

If you create a new folder on your Desktop, can you drop it into your Documents folder? Can you then delete the new folder and drag it out of the Trash back into your Documents folder?

Can you drop image files from your Pictures folder onto your Desktop, then move them back into the Pictures folder again?

Might be worthwhile to run Disc Utility and Repair your Permissions. Maybe even a log out then back in when it's done.
1. There was no problem in dropping image files from my pictures folder onto my desktop and was able to drag them back onto the picture folder .

2. Per your instructions had no problem with creating new folder on my Desktop (this folder contained dragged gif images from image folder). This I dropped into my Documents folder. Then deleted this folder and then dragged it out of the Trash back into my documents folder - with no difficulty.

However, after dragging this folder of gif images to the desktop could not drag into my image folder - The folder just snapped back to the desk top.
I ran Disc Utility and Repair Permissions.

This is the report:

Permissions differ on "private/var/log/secure.log, should be -rw----they are-rw-r-----
warning: SUID file"system/Library/CoreServices/Finder.appContents? Resources/OwnerGroupTool" ha......

Warning: SUID file " usr/bin/lppasswd" has ben modified and will not be repaired.

Group differs on "private/etc/cups". should be O, group is 26.
Permissions differ on "private/var/spool/cups/cache/rss,should be drwxr-xr-x, they are drwxrwxr-x.

This information above I have typed verbatim.
Are you aware what this means?

Have you any other ideas to solve this puzzle?


There are usually a few permissions wrong somewhere in the system like that. Those don't sound related.

If it weren't for your being able to drag images out to the desktop and back to the pictures folder, i'd say the permissions were wrong on the Pictures folder.

Since Leopard arrived and Apple changed how they set up users, groups, and permissions again, and ACL's (access control lists), i've noticed that occasionally what you see in the "Info" window (ACL) doesn't match the permissions on the file or folder.

It's a longshot, but have you looked at owner, group, and permissions using terminal?

If you aren't Terminal savvy, run it and type:

ls -l see what it says about your folders. For 'Pictures' you should see something like this:

drwx------+ 108 username staff 3.6K Sep 13 19:50 Pictures

drwx means directory readable, writable, and executable. "username", - the "owner" - should be your user name, and the "group" should be "staff".

Then you could examine the images. If they're on the desktop, type:

ls -l ~/Desktop

If in the trash:

ls -l ~/.Trash

A GIF image would look something like this:

-rw-r--r--@ 1 username staff 498K Oct 3 01:01 somepicture.gif

-rw-r--r--@ = file readable and writable by owner; readable by group, and readable by other. @ means additional Finder attributes.

As i said, it seems like a longshot at this point that it could still be permissions, and not a much better chance that owner or group could be wrong, or that either would be the cause, but i have had it happen. :p
I found terminal through spotlight - I typed 1s -1

Not sure If I have done it correctly

This is what came up

Last login: Tue Oct 14 17:04:00 on ttys000
iMac:~ sueblock$ 1s -1

-bash: 1s: command not found
iMac:~ sueblock$

What is the $ about?

Not really understanding what you have asked me " I am really techno challenged", I also tried 'pictures' and nothing came up.

Even after typing in 1s -1 nothing came up until I pressed the return key.

All this was done via the little Terminal box on the top left hand side of my computer screen. Is this correct?

I found terminal through spotlight - I typed 1s -1

Not sure If I have done it correctly

This is what came up

Last login: Tue Oct 14 17:04:00 on ttys000
iMac:~ sueblock$ 1s -1

-bash: 1s: command not found
iMac:~ sueblock$

What is the $ about?
I tried to keep it super simple before because i tend toward wordy and confusing. I'll try a bit more wordy.

When you run the Terminal and see:

-iMac:~ sueblock$

That's just a "command prompt" telling you the system you're on, where you are, and what username you are logged on with. Just think of '$' as Terminal saying i'm finished; your turn to type. In Unix-speak, '~' (tilde) refers to your home folder; shorthand for the [your hard drive] --> Users -->[your user name] folder in Finder.

ls is the command for a file/folder list of the directory you're "in"; the type of thing that's made much simpler and clearer by Finder windows and icons. Note that the command is 'ls' (lowercase 'L'; lowercase 'S')

If you type 'ls' by itself, the files and folders in the current directory will be listed in several collumns without any other information.

-l (space, dash; lowercase 'L') after 'ls' is a "switch" or "option" which tells the terminal you want the long listing with more information. Now... (stay with me ;) remember those poor PC people had to deal srictly with this sort of thing all those years until windoze appeared. This is like the DOS days.) as for:

-bash: 1s: command not found

Trying not to get too confusing, a terminal is kind of a "dumb" program. When you start it up on the Mac, a command (i.e. Unix program) called "bash" is usually automatically run within Terminal. Bash is what's referred to as a "Command Shell". It's for looking around and executing Unix commands, the underlying operating system OS X is based upon. Think of Terminal kind of like OS X, and Bash is like Finder.

Bash was just reporting it couldn't find the command because it was mistyped.

Even after typing in 1s -1 nothing came up until I pressed the return key.
Woops. My bad. I assumed too much. I should have said to press return after all the commands. :o

All this was done via the little Terminal box on the top left hand side of my computer screen. Is this correct?
Depends on prefs, but yes when you run terminal it should open a window for you to type into.

So there you have a very basic Terminal/Bash/Unix first lesson you didn't want. ;)

Whenever this Unix/Bash/Terminal thingee is finished doing or attempting to do what you told it, it again shows you the command prompt:

-iMac:~ sueblock$

That lets you know it's finished and it's your turn again.

ls -l

...should give you something vaguely like this:​

total 8
drwx------@ 313 scott  staff  10642 Oct 14 04:34 Desktop
drwx------+  42 scott  staff   1428 Aug 13 11:35 Documents
drwx------+  34 scott  staff   1156 Oct 14 08:15 Downloads
drwx------@  58 scott  staff   1972 Oct  8 02:38 Library
drwx------+   5 scott  staff    170 Aug  3 13:33 Movies
drwx------+   7 scott  staff    238 Sep  6 02:03 Music
[B]drwx------+ 108 scott  staff   3672 Sep 13 19:50 Pictures[/B]
drwxr-xr-x+   5 scott  staff    170 May 21 09:00 Public
drwxr-xr-x+   5 scott  staff    170 May 21 09:00 Sites
drwxr-xr-x    5 scott  staff    170 Sep 28 01:02 mozilla

Then you can see what the permissions look like on the pictures folder. <highlighted>

Likely they will already be: drwx------+ and you'll still be stuck.

Anyway, try looking at the GIF images also, as i mentioned.

ls -l ~/Desktop if that's where they are, or...
ls -l ~/.Trash if they're still in there.
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I am definitely on a learning curve here.

I have copied and pasted my attempts re seeking the desired information through the Terminal 'application'.

Most probably still doing something incorrectly. The information below I copied and pasted from the Terminal window.

Do I need to be on the Trash page in order to obtain the reading I would want? or on the Desk top when I type in Desktop?

Last login: Wed Oct 15 10:33:04 on ttys000
iMac:~ sueblock$ 1s -1
-bash: 1s: command not found
iMac:~ sueblock$ 1s -1 ~/Desktop
-bash: 1s: command not found
iMac:~ sueblock$ 1s - 1 ~/ .Trash
-bash: 1s: command not found
iMac:~ sueblock$


:DHello Sue :)

Are you using an Admin account? If you are then try this:

sudo ls -l

When prompted for a password, enter the Admin password for that account and press enter. You won't see anything as you type your password so don't worry about that just type it carefully and press enter.

You should then see the permissions for the Pictures Folder.


I realise that there has been some confusion regarding fonts and so the above information isn't really needed.

What's interesting to note that there is definitely a difference between the font in the "Reply To Post" box and the font in the "Submitted Post".

See the code above then compare it to the following:


The letter l seems to become the number 1 ... I thank Corpsecorps for picking that up in the next post ... I can forsee the future.

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You said:

Most probably still doing something incorrectly. The information below I copied and pasted from the Terminal window.
In the Courier font i used, 1's look a lot like l's.

Looking at your copied lines i notice the 'l' in sueblock doesn't match the 'l' in the command ls -l.

iMac:~ sueblock$ 1s -1
-bash: 1s: command not found

It appears you were still typing the command as {one}{ess}{space}{dash}{one} instead of {ell}{ess}{space}{dash}{ell} :D
Quietly sneaks into the room

Can you reboot on Disk Utility or--better--another HD, and then pull the files out of the Trash? Then you can try sticking them in your Home Desktop folder . . . reboot . . . and, hopefully, voila!

Scurries back out

I have respect for everybodies patience -It must be frustrating for techno to deal with a complete novice like me. This time I put in the correct letters through the Terminal method and the information indicated in the first instance.
drwx------@ 162 sueblock sueblock 5508 14 Oct 22:07 Pictures

ls -l ~/.Trash - showed that the gif images are in the Trash

next I apologise that you would need me to walk me through step by step

1.How to use my Admin account as you describe - I do not see the set up per your insert (CODE)sudo is -l(/CODE.

Dr. X advises to
reboot on Disk Utility or--better--another HD, and then pull the files out of the Trash? Then you can try sticking them in your Home Desktop folder . . . reboot .

Sorry I need step by step instructions to reboot on Disk Utility

and the other idea reboot another HD ( I do have an external HD) please explain how.

What does reboot allow to that provides an opportunity to pull the gif images out of the trash that does not allow me now? I can put them out of the trash now - but it bounces out of the images folder when I endeavour to return them to the image folder>


How to use my Admin account as you describe - I do not see the set up per your insert (CODE)sudo is -l(/CODE.

Hello Sue :)

Disregard the above as I returned to my post and edited it after Corpsecorpse picked up the font difference with 1 and the letter l being similar ... ;)
Sorry I need step by step instructions to reboot on Disk Utility

and the other idea reboot another HD ( I do have an external HD) please explain how.

I had a very cogent and helpful response, but I have upgraded to 10.5.5 on my MacBook. Why does that matter? It does not recognize, on System Preferences, my HD as a BOOTABLE start up disk--it recognizes everything on it.

It also does not show the Trash on that.

So . . . I am going to investigate . . . see if I can recognize the Trash on another drive and do what I suggest. If I can, I will try to post pickies.


Well, forget my idea. I cannot "see" the Trash files when I boot in other disks. There may be some way of doing that, but obviously it is far too complicated.

I have . . . FAILED!

