

Does anyone know of a good set of incstructions for getting gnumeric to compile?

Better yet, does anyone know where I can get a binary bistribution from?

I've been trying to make this work for hours and have been running around circles and circles...

but gnuymeric was not a choice.

I went ot the gnome web site and got a list of packages to install. I installed everything I could from fink, but not everything was available at fink.

I found sed at (something or the other required it). After I installed this manually, fink recognized it. I also installed Slang manually since another package required it. I got stuck in updating Glide (which was not listed in fink) and a couple of other things. I could go on (I've spent 30 minutes installing packages from fink and over 10 hours installing things manually for gnome and gnumeric).

What do I do if gnumeric is not a choice in fink? I tried downloading gnumeric and telling fink to use a mounted volume for the source but I did not get very far.

Is there some configuration that would allow me to see more packages?

after having used fink, compiling manually is really, really painful.
The reason you can't find gnumeric in Fink is because it's currently only in "unstable". Also, there is no binary offered, so you'll have to type fink install gnumeric after this, instead of using dselect. Assuming that you installed Fink under /sw, to use a package in unstable, type in the Terminal:

sudo cp /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/gnome/gnumeric* /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/.

Then gnumeric should be available.

Of course, you'll want to make sure you're up to date with your Fink packages (they update pretty often, especially lately). You might want to check out Fink's site and check out either section 3, 4, or 5 depending on how old your Fink is.
funny how things work out... I figured out the fink install gnumeric...

It just finished doing whatever it needed to do and I was just wondering "what next?"

I copied the files as you described.

now I tried to use dselect again (gnumeric is there :D ), but it tells me that gnumeric needs mc which in turn needs slang.

The problem is that slang-1.4.4.tar.gz is not available (even with fink install slang). I tried the ftp site: but it only lists 1.4.3 and 1.4.5.

I do have slang installed (1.4.5), but it is a later version than the version fink is looking for... I installed this while manually compiling several dozen packages but fink will not recognize it anyway.

so, is there a way for me to give the URL for slang to fink? or is there a way for me to make fink aware of the fact that slang is already installed?

thanks for the help so far. :D
actually, I just noticed that gnumeric is listed unnder the up-to-date packages.

Does this mean that fink install actually installed gnumeric? If so, how do I run it?

Make sure you have first started X up.

Presumably XDarwin, but I think Tenon's commercial XonX would handle it fine.

if it gives a "display" error, do this first:

setenv DISPLAY :0.0

That is a bad sign, often, however.