God must be bored


Ministry of Re-Education
Creating the Universe is cool and everything but just imagine, it took around a billion years before the universe cooled down enough for hydrogen gasses to start coalescing into the first stars following the Big Bang. That would suck to have to wait that long just to see the first star, I mean what are you doing in the meantime, with a universe full of nothing but occasional pockets of gas. Then, to add insult to injury, even after the planets themselves formed, you would have to wait 2 or 3 billion more years just to see a little single celled blob floating arounding in the primordial seas.

If God is a supreme being, who consciously creates things, or makes choices, that would mean all other intellectual logic would apply to him as well, meaning he could get bored, especially over the timespan of 15 or 20 billion years, which is how old the known universe is. Also, if you're god, the creator of the universe, that means that you know everything, all the secrets about the universe, and everything in between. So if you know everything, what is the point of existing? I mean how incredibly boring would that be?
God? Bored? Not!

Your suggestion presupposes that God is subject to linear time, just like we are. If God is truly an omnipotent being, than moving backward and forward through time would be no harder than moving from place to place....

But what do I know, I'm agnostic...
Wrong, serpico. If God wasn't lienar, he wouldn't have rested on the 7th day ;)

But what do I know ? I'm agnostic too... :p
I'm agnostic 3, but what does it matter if you can travel through time. You're still going to be conscious in one form or another for billions and billions of years, which you would be bored to insanity and beyond.

BTW, if you believe in heaven, and eternal life after death, you're going to be facing the same boredom crisis.
That's the fun of being a god though, you can't get bored. You can go create planets and watch the species of your choice slowly evolve into something great and then start killing themselves.

And then what? You do it again! C'mon, what could be funner than creating sounds never before heard/thought-of or creating colors we could never imagen being created.

Plus if you were god would you be sitting around all day? Heck: I'd come on down to earth and give the peeps down in Las Vegas something to holler about. ;)
Uh, SimCity 4 and The Sims anyone? :D
Me thinks: Same general idea. Especially the part about messing up their lives - that's always fun! heh ;)
I am agnostic 4...and here's my take...

Most people here seem to be speaking of God as if it were subjected to time. What if it's not? I mean, billions of years can be long for us, but what if it didn't matter at all....it just IS always....no time or distance involved

...or maybe it was just spending that time laughing to itself about all of us analyzing the hell out of it.

I know I would

Wrong, serpico. If God wasn't lienar, he wouldn't have rested on the 7th day

Don't get me going on paradoxes and space/time/continuum rules...;)

Just because he chose to rest on the 7th day doesn't mean that he's limited to linear time... It just means we worked his arse off for 6 days, and when that was finished, he rested. On the 8th day he could have jumped forward to the 30th Century to see how things turned out, and if he didn't like them, he could have gone back to day 5 and tweaked a few things...

I think this probably isn't handled in the bible because the concept of time travel was as ridiculous as a round earth back then. Now, even though it's still totally Sci-Fi, it's at least a concept every body can grasp.

Of course, this is only relevant if you are subscribing to the Christian version of God. I'm not quite up on what the Islamists have God doing on that first week....

Originally posted by serpicolugnut
I'm not quite up on what the Islamists have God doing on that first week....

Well, this may be a surprise for many, but islam is also based on the old Testament, so Allah did just the same as Jehovah, he worked 6 and rested 1. All three religions of the Book (islam, christianity, judaism) believe in the Old Testament. It is said in the fifth surat that a Muslim who does not believe in the Old writings and in Abraham, father of all peoples, is not a true Muslim.

BTW, the Monty Pythons' version of God (Quest for the Holy Grail) seems *pretty* bored indeed ! ;)
I'm sure She simply takes a toke of that super-potent God Ganga... That makes things a lot more interesting and makes One quickly forget about being bored...
Originally posted by habilis
Creating the Universe is cool and everything but just imagine, it took around a billion years before the universe cooled down enough for hydrogen gasses to start coalescing into the first stars following the Big Bang. That would suck to have to wait that long just to see the first star, I mean what are you doing in the meantime, with a universe full of nothing but occasional pockets of gas. Then, to add insult to injury, even after the planets themselves formed, you would have to wait 2 or 3 billion more years just to see a little single celled blob floating arounding in the primordial seas.

If God is a supreme being, who consciously creates things, or makes choices, that would mean all other intellectual logic would apply to him as well, meaning he could get bored, especially over the timespan of 15 or 20 billion years, which is how old the known universe is. Also, if you're god, the creator of the universe, that means that you know everything, all the secrets about the universe, and everything in between. So if you know everything, what is the point of existing? I mean how incredibly boring would that be?

God is in charge of all time. He is in charge of everything sort of... he made all matter, or made things easy for us to make our own things. If He is in charge of time, then He can look at what happened 30 years ago, as if it was the present. He brought destruction to the dinosaurs since they killed each other and just brought chaos upon the world, so He brought in asteroids and meteors to kill them. Perhaps our fate is being stored for us, since He knows when things will occur. I am surprised we are all still alive, since we aren't much different from the dinosaurs. There are killings, kidnappings, rapes, theft, and many more horrible things, which are refered to as sins. There are wars! Millions of people being murdered, over one tiny stupid thing.
And boredom is caused when we dont have our things to do.... like our macs. We'd be bored if all things were taken away from us, because they'd be taken away. But God didn't have possetions. He made it though. He made the universe, so He had something to do. He couldn't go on his playstation 2, that would be foolish, it just can't happen.
Well, there's my longest post, read it, i think it makes sense.
I have some things to add. About the whole knowledge and choices. Since God is all-knowing, He already knows the right decision. It's not like it would take time to think it over. It would be decided in something faster than time. God is not a human, remember that. Why do you think He is prayed to? We don't find our friend Nick, and start praying to him! God only made us as something in his image. You know the story with Adam and Eve. Adam was created as something that was similar to God. It said in something i read.
Hey, you know how you said He got bored? While waiting for things to form. What did He do all that time He wasn't making things. He couldn't have been created, because He IS the creator of all things. He was just always around. It makes your mind feel strange, because we were always tought that everything has a start and a finish. Not everything!

Originally posted by toast
Wrong, serpico. If God wasn't lienar, he wouldn't have rested on the 7th day ;)

But what do I know ? I'm agnostic too... :p

He was working for 6 days STRAIGHT then He stopped on the 7th day. He started his eternal rest. Though His eternal rest became more and more uneasy......Look at what we've become! We are all lazy, and we eat. We steal (we as in humans). We discriminate. We put people down. It started with Adam eating that one apple. He disobeyed the rules!

We get an eternal rest too though. Though it is not after 6 days. Once we are old enough, we die. Then we rest until the end of time....... and once again, i want to add that some things don't end. TIME!

EDIT: lol just to add on AGAIN....... i find this world like macosx.com. Scott made the forum, then we joined. We interact with eachother. We sometimes disobey the set rules, like giving links to software or swearing. And eventually, we will leave, or the forum will just go away.
Time will end, Androo. Time is closely linked to space (spatial distances, not outer space).

At some point, all the mass in the universe will disappear, which will pretty much negate space - when that happens, time will disappear too.
Originally posted by Darkshadow
Time will end, Androo. Time is closely linked to space (spatial distances, not outer space).

At some point, all the mass in the universe will disappear, which will pretty much negate space - when that happens, time will disappear too.

At least one guy who understood his physics lectures... good.
Actually, there's another theory about the end of space and time, it's called the Big Crunch. Basically what happens is all the gravitational forces from dark matter will start massing galaxies together in to superclusters until there is a gravitational force so strong in the universe that it will collapse in on itself like one gigantic black hole. There is already evidence for this in the fact that the universe isn't expanding as fast as it used to be, it's slowing down due to increasing gravity that pulls it back in towards the center. When it fianlly stops expanding alltogether, it will slowly begin to fall back in on itself.

What many people think, including myself, will happen when the universe finally does collapse, is that it will explode again into another Big Bang, creating a bran new universe. This process is cyclical, like all things natural, and makes the most sense to me. a good question is what started this cycle? To me, whatever started this incredible cycle is "God".

Everything in the universe has a beginning and an end, so then the same logic must apply to evrything within it, including the universe itself.
Originally posted by Darkshadow
Time will end, Androo. Time is closely linked to space (spatial distances, not outer space).

At some point, all the mass in the universe will disappear, which will pretty much negate space - when that happens, time will disappear too.

But God will still be alive, since He can't die! He's not like us, we're only human. Before He created space, He was still there. Then He started building and didn't stop. He split the water, and a sky was made! To him time was running. Not seconds and minutes, but He was doing things, which requires time.
Meh, just the way I see things :) yours makes sense too! Who says anything could be true?
There were dinosaurs. How come no one ever mentioned that in the stories when the world was being created? It said God just created the world, and suddenly animals and the 2 humans were made! The Dinosaurs were never mentioned.
Habillis.... this reminds me of something.
The end of the world... It was said that it would have fire like hell, destruction. All matter will burn to the ground. Perhaps the theory that you mentioned will be the end... the stars would come toward earth, the planets along with them. All the stars will burn all planets, all the systems, and worst of all - EARTH! No more macs :(
i hope all our macs go to heaven:)