gotti or no gotti ?

ulrik in germany it might be a little cold if I were with no shirt :p lol

I look my age, but I think I look weird ;-)
my face non-admiral-like :p .. I think I got used myself with a goatee :p

I got rid of my beard for my birthday. Helped drop a couple years off of how old I looked.
I just got feedback from a girl that had never seen me shaved :p (sans goatee) and she said I looked 10 years younger :p -- she says I look funny without it he he he...women...can't make up their mind ;)

well, shaving everything off in the dead of winter is a tough thing to do. the skin underneath is always this paler shade that makes the face look a little 'funny' untill the color is even again. i feel very uncomfortable in the mirror for the first week or so after i shave my beard off every summer. but once i get out in the sun for a few days and the color comes back, i feel like me again.

maybe you should hit the tanning booth:D
or as the people at AtAT would say for admiral... just sit on the top of a roof in Boston, have some Mai Tais, and feel the warmth of the RDF as it turns your skin a lovely tan (okay, i edited it a bit to make it sound ok)

for ed... it would sound right...

sit on the beach, have some Mai Tais, and feel the warmth of the RDF as it turns your skin a lovely tan

(don't understand what the RDF is? you need to be an fan to get it really... but it means "Reality Distortion Field", a common term used when talking about Steve Jobs and his thoughts)
lol :D

well I will keep it off for 3 weeks maximum :p
then I will regrow :p --- I need to look good when I go to greece ;)

The important factor is to have it past the "prickly" stubble stage when getting close to your lady friend.
Whisker burn of the inner thighs is not arousing for most women...