Happy New Years!!!!


I'm cool, I have a mac.
I know there are 24 time zones, so I know it's already new years in some areas and some areas it isn't! So sorry for you Californians, but it's happy news years here!

So I'm wishing everybody a happy 2010, welcoming in the new year and hopefully a new start for everyone! Congratulations in advance to whatever people might be accomplishing this year!

Oh and apparently there are a lot of people who have birthdays today, or people just set there birthday today because they really don't feel like putting their real birthdate.......

By the way, I'm not one of those persons who hypes up new years or anything else, after all theres been for sure over 4000 new years, so whats new!? (Personally I think it's overrated), but I do like the feeling of new beginning if you actually put your mind to it.
Upstate New York chimes in with 2 inches of new white stuff to make the whole place look fresh and hopeful. May 2010 bring relief, prosperity and joy!
Best wishes and the very best for the New Year to all the gang on macOSX.com Peace forever.
The Tiger is said to be lucky vivid, lively and engaging.

Another attribute of the Tiger is his/her incredible bravery, evidenced in his willingness to engage in battle or his/her undying courage. Maybe s/he’s so brave because s/he is so lucky.

But the Chinese say a Tiger having a Tiger in the house is the very best protection against the evils of fire, burglary.

So now you know (for those born in 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, or 1998).
Tiger years for the Chinese are NOT very good years (see RAT and PIG years for the good stuff)... especially in terms of finance and other strange happenings. All depends on the 4 number for birthdays I hear. But let us not not be under any influence for this silliness. If so, go to your local reader of crystal balls and other folks that make a buck out of such things. AND good luck! Rangoon, over and out.