Hard Drive/Disk Warrior problem PLEASE HELP!

one martian

can anyone please help me?

basically, my problem is this...

my original hard drive (60gb) started messing up, so i recently brought a new maxtor 160gb internal hard drive as a replacement. there was a problem installing such a large drive and i had to format it to 120gb. this disk was then partitioned into drive A (approx 30gb) and drive B (taking up the remaining). drive A is were i installed OSX (upgraded to 10.2.8) and other software. drive B is were i save all my files. i also kept my original hard drive installed as a second drive for dumping/backing up files. now, my computer crashed on me, so i hit the restart button.. only to find my computer would no longer boot up! after lots of attempts i discovered (by inserting the os9 cd as the osx cd didnt want to boot up) that my hard disk wasn't readable and did i want to initialize it! of course i didnt, so i called up some local mac repair center and they said i needed disk warrior! i travelled all the way to london to purchase a copy! now, my problem is, for over 10 hours now, disk warrior is still on step 5: recovering disk directory... (i am trying to rebuild drive A) is this normal or should it have done this a long time ago? i am SOOO desperate to recover files on this computer! PLEASE PLEASE can you help? there is nothing anywhere to say that disk warrior should/can take this long at this stage! many thanks in advance for any help!


p.s. my system is: G4 533 mhz, 768MB RAM.
Sounds like the drive has serious problems. May have something to do with the partitioning.

You can call disk warrior help desk at:

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Central Time, Monday through Friday

Voice: +1-281-353-1510

I know it's an international call for you, but it might be your best option at this point. Disk Warrior is the best app for this sort of thing.
for such a large drive, this is hardly a dent in the procedure - especially if it has lots of small files on it. i've had diskwarrior take over 12 hours for a 80 gb drive before. just be patient.