having problems downloading from the internet


if i try to download anything

for example a program

i will get this messege saying

"the following disk images failed to mount "the programs name"

someone help please i do not have another 1500 bucks for a new mac -___-
Please include your Mac, version of OS X installed, version of Safari or whatever browser you're using, and any other pertinent information about your system. We cannot help you if you do not help us. That said, this is most likely a software issue so don't freak out about having to buy another Mac. Just provide the information and we will be glad to help.
my mac is currently running a mac mini osx 10.3.9.

my updates dont work anymore

and my disk images do not mount (cannot install for example firefox)
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the only internet browser i have left that i can use and is fast is called camino

like i said i cant dl anythign from the internet -___-
You can try downloading the 10.3.9 Combo Updater from the Apple website and reapply the update in the event something got corrupted. Also, have you tried running Disk Utility from the installation disc so that you can run a Repair Disk and Repair Permissions on the hard drive?

Also, have you tried downloading with something other than Camino? There should still be an older version of Safari on that Mac OS X installation.
Here's your plan, then...
(from another computer, which doesn't have to be a Mac) download the 10.3.9 combined updater from apple.com - here's the download page for that: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL496
Copy to a flash drive, or burn the updater file to a CD.
Run that update on your mini.
If it does not work, and you get similar errors, then you will need your original installer DVD to try an archive and install of OS X on your mini.
That should get things working again.
Of course, with your question about FireFox - if you download a current FireFox version, your OS X version will still be too old.
You can upgrade to 10.4 (which has several advantages, like using more recent web browsers for a start) - someone here will help you out with good sources for OS X installer sets.
software update didnt make any different everything is still the same
Software Update cannot update across point releases of MacOS X such as from MacOS X 10.3.9 to MacOS X 10.4. You must acquire a retail distribution DVD of MacOS X 10.4. After you upgrade your OS to MacOS X 10.4, run Software Update to update to fully-patched MacOS X 10.4.11. Your browser will then be Safari 4.1.3. You will also be able to run Firefox 3.6.x and other fairly recent browsers.
Do you still have your original installer set that came with your mini?
Boot to that installer, and run the Option for Archive & Install. You'll see the Options button on the screen where you select the destination drive. Be sure to also click the sub-option to keep your files and settings.
The whole problem is that the OP is using 10.3.9 and trying to install probably a current version of Firefox along with current versions of other software. There is no use trying force a square peg into a round hole so to speak.
The whole problem is that the OP is using 10.3.9 and trying to install probably a current version of Firefox along with current versions of other software. There is no use trying force a square peg into a round hole so to speak.

That's understood, but it was mentioned that the OP could buy 10.4 or higher (at least the highest supported by the Mac) or to reinstall 10.3.9 via the Combo Updater. The OP could run an older version of Fx that supported 10.3.9 and iCab 4.8 also supports it. Now, it's not so much that nothing can be downloaded (because the OP was able to download files), it's just that the OP cannot open the disk image. It's possible that reinstalling the Combo Updater will fix this. Even the version of Safari that came with 10.3.x should be able to download whatever is needed.

To the original poster, did you try what I mentioned about booting the Mac using the system disc that came with it and running Disk Utility's repair options?

Also, please make sure you describe your problem clearly. Excluding the fact that English may not be your primary language, using txtspk and broken sentences makes it very difficult to understand what you're trying to say, and in turn makes it difficult for us to help you properly. Clarity is key here.