Hello everyone!


I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. I had a Mac 512k way back in 84. Having been a PC user for the the past 10 years I have finally seen the light and returned to Apple by purchasing a new 14" ibook. I found this website about a week ago and find it very informative. I hope I can learn from some of the more experienced users here. Thanks for listening.

this site is quite informative, and alot of fun, full of usefull information and colorful characters.

glad to have you back on the wagon with us :) enjoy your time here and welcome to the community :)
I would reccomend that you also check out As the Apple Turns for a good daily dose of humorous commentary on the latest in Apple-related drama. Wow, i just read that sentence, and that was the best description of the site I have ever given! Anyway, welcome back to the Mac!
My greeting to you. There are two more threads like this one in the non-technical forum that you might want to take a look at. They will pretty much fill you in as to whats up.
I was looking to get a laptop and just loved the apples design. It was really the ipod commercial that push me over the edge. I also purchased one of those as well. :)
haha...always happy to get another mac convert ;) I've really been wishing I could get my hands on an iPod ever since I saw Jobs unveil it...

Glad you could join us here...hello from one newbie to another :)

And oh, don't worry about your post...you put this in the right place, this is where I was told to put my intro, so you are OK
well unless this thread got moved it is in exactly the right place as are you. i would suggest you stay and spend time here. and then when you have time you can go visit those other sites.:D

Welcome aboard both the site and the mac using comunnity. please tell us a little about yourself. is Kalena a male or female name? it's not one i am familiar with. It has a nice feel as it rolls off the tongue though:)

also want to be the 1st to invite you to stop by and hang out at Herve's Bar & Grill. As always with newbies, the first round is my treat.:p
Kelena is actually Hawaiian for Glen. One of my friends parents went there on vacation and broughtg back a keychain with my Hawaiian name on it. It has stuck ever since. The 13 is a tribute to the greatest quarterback of all time (flame on!) Dan Marino. Enough about me.

Ed, Someday I may take you up on that offer. :p
No flaming from here!

Dan was THE MAN

No arguments from me...the stats don't lie...too bad he never had the running game he needed or the defense to back him up...if he did, he'd be wearing a Super Bowl ring...
interesting about the name.

and as long as you are a football fan, but not a Penn State fan (please tell me you're not) then you are AOK in my book.

Dan cracks me up on inside the nfl on hbo.:p