Hello I'm Howard And I'm A Everquest Addict

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Hey Guys and Gals,

I'm addicted. I bought it a month ago. I feel wierd if I let a day go by and don't get at least an hour on the box playing it. The graphics aren't even the best in the world. Just wierd I tell you.

I guess I have several strategy questions on the game for this post.

I've been playing now 2-3 weeks. I loot everything I kill and sell it. I'm using a rusty long sword as my weapon and on really good hits I'll get 10-11 points. When I go into darkpaw to kick some knoll butt I can usually clear the top level alone but the second level gets me killed in minutes. I've tried going in with a group but one guy got all the experience.

I was wondering how I could get more from a weapon. 10 Points is killing me. I'm level 7 and have like 35 skill points towards attack. Is there a list out there of weapons and their damage points?

As a rogue can I make a good sword with smithing and what will that cost?

Are there any great money making strategies besides looting everything you kill and selling it to the merchants?

People talk about quests. How do you quest in this game?

That being said its really addicting.
Heh.....i used to play everquest about 4 years ago...it got me so addicted i forgot about the real world entirely, heh....but i finally quit playing and never will touch EverCrack again....never......that game has some sort of hypnotic mind control built into it...maybe it's the colors, or the way the frames render, or something...be very careful for it WILL take over your life and you won't know it until your electricity gets shut off and your girlfriend is gone without a trace ;)
Hello It's me again. Howard the addict. I bought a strategy book today at my local used book store. I know that I'm really hooked.

I learned about some more things and will try a quest or two
Here's some advice: Quit the game, shut off or put to sleep the computer, go outside, and breathe. Go ahead, just breathe in the fresh air. Maybe take your bike around the block a few times, or borrow one if you need to. If it's snowing, do something in the snow. If you have kids, play with them outside. Same if you are the kids.

Now, go raid the refrigerator, or get a minifridge, go back into the office/your room/wherever the computer is, and wile away the remaining hours of your life in a virtual fantasy. It's been good knowing you.
I completed my first quest last night. Addicting I tell you. This game has finished me. I put it down for a moment only to show that I had controll. Really. I did some work today. I went for a walk and all I could think about was how I was going to complete the next quest, kill some creatures and gain a level or two so that I could pick pocket and get some magical items! Hmm...after all I'm a rogue character in this story. It's cool.
Look me up in the game, I'll give you some practical advice.

Also, some advice I give everyone who plays this game. It's just a game, you play it when you have time, and are alone, and have nothing to do and nowhere to go to. Don't let it poison your mind, it's still a game ... It's hard to put it down, I know it's addictive, still, stay sane, it's not real, I can't stress this enough. This game has escapism all about it ...

I too am an EverCrack addict -- though I have been cold turkey for over two years now. I was once Arthurius, of the Disciples of Justice. It was a chapter of my life I will never forget. I still miss it, though I have found that cruising the VRML outlands of blaxxun to be a satisfying and cheap (free) substitute. Plus, VRML gives me the ability to create the sort of spaces I once inhabited as Arthurius.

It was a magical and mystical experience, a pocket universe and I lived and died there many times.

It was the just about the most fun I have ever had with a computer game.

I got out of it to go do something real with my life. I built a real forge, and I have been using it since in the construction of a shortsword. I got a composite recurve bow, and rekindled my skills as an archer.

I have not killed anyone with these things - nor will I ever, if fate is at all kind. I simply found a lot to be proud of in the ability to wield these old weapons in meatspace, and I have found a great deal of satisfaction and honor in the harsh labor and maddening heat of my forge.

I am now into my second year as a fine arts major, and I am doing quite nicely (4.0 gpa). I have become a serious and passionate artist, and I take things very seriously that most people just take for granted.

I dont really understand why I do, but I credit my everquest experiences with a lot of the 'why' in my real life. It seems I found something worthwhile within myself while I was engaged in that fantasy experience.

Perhaps we are just wrong to write off what we truly experience as 'fantasy' just because it happens so virtually.
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