Help! Apple's official security update damaged my computer!


Hello, everyone!

I have a G4 PowerBook running OS X Tiger. One hour ago I discovered that Apple launched a new Security Update (about 170 Mb), so I updated the system.

After restart, the screen is blank and the computer won't start! No startup sound or anything else.

What can I do? On the PB I have projects which must be presened tomorrow!!!!!!

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello everyone!

Just got my MacBookPro back from service. Working!

They said it was a problem with the NVidia chipset (which died) and my motherboard had to be replaced. Which they did so fast!

So everybody with MacBookPros generation 2007, when you will turn on the computer and the screen will remain blank, think that the problem might not be as painful as it seems. Take it to the service and don't do anything irrational! :)

I thought it was because of the update, because the screen gone dark just after Apple's update required restart, but it was just accidental. So Apple's update is just fine. Sorry!

A logicboard, however, while "nothing serious" as you put it, might cost you a grand.
(Post #1) I have a G4 PowerBook running OS X Tiger.
(Post #3) Just got my MacBookPro back from service. Working!

Did you also repair the PowerBook?
We might also have offered the info about that graphics chip problem if you had mentioned the correct model that you had at the beginning. :D
What do you mean may not be as painful as you think? The motherboard IS your computer, if that goes out, all you have is your screen and hard drive, dvd drive.

And like Fryke said, paying a grand to fix it, is almost not even worth it, you may as well pay another 2-300 and get a brand new one.

How much did it cost??
Did you also repair the PowerBook?
We might also have offered the info about that graphics chip problem if you had mentioned the correct model that you had at the beginning. :D

Yep, I was too upset and I couldn't make a difference between a MBP and a PB at that time. :) :)
You have to love Apple. Not only do they service your Powerbook, they upgrade it to a Macbook for free!

What do you mean may not be as painful as you think? The motherboard IS your computer, if that goes out, all you have is your screen and hard drive, dvd drive.

And like Fryke said, paying a grand to fix it, is almost not even worth it, you may as well pay another 2-300 and get a brand new one.

How much did it cost??

To me it was more important to have access again to the projects I had stored on my HDD.

First I thought it was a problem with the 'Tiger', due to the update, so loosing all information would have been the worst case, worse than any fried or boiled motherboard. :) When people at the service told me that it was the motherboard that must be replaced and the information is there, unchanged and could be accessed... I thought... yeah, it hurts, but it could have been more painful (that is loosing all data). :)

The cost of repairing the MBP (that is changing the motherboard) was zero, because it was a known problem with the NVIDIA chipset or something like that, and the problem came from the manufacturer of the chipset, which probably supported the cost. So now I have a brand new motherboard and the MBP is back on the desk, running smoothly. :)

Now I understand why everybody uses the full description of the computer as a signature for messages. I should have written it down somewhere before the... event, too :)

But now, after the computer starts, I can tell you that it is a MacBookPro, 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, OS X Tiger.
Anytime you have a problem, you should ALWAYS say which computer you have, and specific specs.

The signatures are more of a "bragging" line, or just a way to show off lol. Not that anyone really cares if your computer is better than theirs, but like i said, its just for showing off.