Help connecting PB w/ Airport to tower on Ethernet


Here's the scenario:

I have a Pismo 500 with an Airport card (10.2.8). I have a Linksys 802.11b router. I have a Performa 6400 (OS 8.5). The Performa houses a nice large HDD that I use to store big things that I only need occasionally. Obviously, the Performa is connected via Ethernet to the router, and the PowerBook can connect either via Ethernet or Airport.

If I connect the Pismo to the router via Ethernet, I can connect to the Performa via Appletalk, mount the drives on my PB and work to my heart's content. However, if I put the PowerBook on Airport, I can surf the web, etc. just fine, but I cannot connect to the Performa. I have Appletalk enabled for Airport, but it gives me an error -1028 if I try to connect to the tower.

Is there some trick to this? Is it even possible? I know I'm working with old stuff here, but it seems like it *should* work.
Someone else recently had a very similar problem. I think he had panther trying to connect to a OS9 system and when using the ethernet it worked just fine but airport gave him error.
Try search. Maybe you will find it.
Anyway, I would like to know how the airport access point is connected to your system? Is the Linksys the router (for your Performa) and the access point (for your pismo) at the same time? Did you check all your router settings?
Does ping work over airport to your performa? Can you maybe use terminal based logins (ssh, telnet)?
Zammy-Sam said:
Anyway, I would like to know how the airport access point is connected to your system? Is the Linksys the router (for your Performa) and the access point (for your pismo) at the same time? Did you check all your router settings?
Does ping work over airport to your performa? Can you maybe use terminal based logins (ssh, telnet)?

There is no Airport access point. The Linksys does the wireless, so yes the Performa is hooked to it via Ethernet while the PowerBook is on either Airport or Ethernet. Haven't tried ping, but ssh and telnet certainly won't work, will they? It's OS 8.5 on the Performa.

I did see one thing at Apple's support site. It mentioned something like how all of the computers need to have IP addresses in the range to (or something close to that.) and if the computer has an IP begining with 192 or 169 the computer couldn't connect with the DHCP server. The linksys gives out IP addresses in the range to I wonder if Appletalk is choking on my addresses, though that seems wierd, since even if the PB is on Ethernet, both computers still have adresses begining with 192.

I'll try the search though. I did search, but I couldn't find anything that jumped out at me. I struggled even coming up with a decent "Subject" line for my own post that would give some kind of clue as to my question. A lot of the threads I saw when I searched for "airport AND connect" were simple, vague things like "Airport problem." I'll try again tonight when I get home from work. Thanks.
Yeah, first try ping and then check your router settings.
I was trying to find that thread for you, but I wasn't able. Maybe I read it somewhere else. Who knows.
But we'll figure it out alone! ;)
I have a PB w/airport (OS X 10.3.1) connect to a Linksys wireless router. Also have a PM G3 DT running OS 9.2.2 hardwired to the router via ethernet.

I can connect via appletalk from the DT to the PB but not the other way around.

I have read that connecting to OS 9.x.x from OS X.x.x wirelessly is not supported. But that makes no since.??? I have not tried to hardwire the PB to the router to see if I can connect from PB top DT.

I will try.......
I've had some luck using doing this.

I've tried two different things...


Which might not work as that's rendezvous

Or try to use the LAN ip on your performa FROM your Pismo. It will be something like afp:// or some generic number like that... look in : system prefs > network to get your LAN ip from the Performa.

I've only had luck connecting from wireless TO other machine on the router..

Also, be sure your Airport is in the "uplink" port on your router.

Hope this helps.
It's been busy this week, so I haven't been able to work on this a lot, but I did try using the IP address instead of the machine name, as evildan suggested. No dice.

I haven't been able to try much else, but at this point, I'm not optimistic, particularly given what Yahtahei said. But thanks to all for your help. If you have any other ideas, please add them here, and I'll post if I actually succeed with anything this weekend.