HELP!!!!!! ibook wont boot.


Last saturday I plugged my adapter in and it shorted or something, it got quite hot, the lights didnt come on, I quickly unplugged it and smelt that bad burny electrical smell. Left it for a while tried to get it to work again etc. So I went to apple centre and they have ordered me a new powersupply. So Im waiting for that to be delivered so I borrowed another power adapter.

Anyway something very screwy is going on. I had it turned on and bumped it, working fine for a fair while, battery pretty much charged and the person took there charger back, I used to it to check my eamil and print some stuff off and then, I suddenly got horizontal lines down one side of teh screen. IT kept workig so I jsut carried on. adjusted the screen, the lines returned and it froze. I rebooted, it did the same thing again and froze somewhere between typing my password in and completing the log on.

Rebooted again, screen went gray and then, (now this is totally wierd) the screen started going black from one corner until eventually the whole screen was black. It looked kinda like a pool of water spreading or something.

I have removed the battery and am going to let it sit and think about what it has done over night. TOmorrow I will bring in my OS disks etc.

Any suggestions guys? I really need this computer working, I have just on a month till my thesis is due.

try booting into the single-user mode (apple+s I think) and check the screen there. Maybe it's just a software problem maybe a hardware-issue. If the problems appear in the single-user mode as well, than it's surely hardware. But I doubt this...
The next step would be to start up with your os-discs (btw, what os are you using? and are you talking about the ibook screen or an external one?) and make a sys-check
If you have any sort of hardware problem at all, like "that burny smell," definitely have your computer serviced immediately. Don't try to check anything else out or run any utilities because they can't repair, say, a bad power supply.
I just had a very similar problem, check my post a few weeks ago, 'iBook Dead or Just Faking'...

Maybe it's not the same thing as yours, but mine was a fried logic board which Apple fixed for free...

Does the hard drive seem to be spinning but not getting anywhere? Mine was doing that, and it was increasing the heat output and causing a faint 'burning' smell...:confused: