Help: Keychain/AirPort Problem After Security Update


Mac Convert for Life
It seems like every time I get a security update from Apple (Software Update) and I install it, I can't connect to the Internet. My computer USED to send me a prompt asking me if I would like to "Change All" in Keychain Access after security updates. I think it said something like: "AirPort wants to access your keychain." And then something like: "This will change all." And then it gave me a choice: "Deny" ... "Allow Once" ... or "Change All." I would click "Change All" and everything would be fine. But lately (the past two security updates), it doesn't prompt me with that message until I go click on Restart or Shut Down, and then I have to be REALLY fast and click on the "Change All" before my computer restarts or shuts down. And even then, it's iffy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I can't figure out what's going on. After a security update, when I launch my browser, it says "Problem loading page." And then when I try to open Internet Connection, my browser freezes with the infamous spinning beach ball, and I have to force quit the app.

If I continue to have this problem, can I just delete my keychains? I've never really done anything with Keychain Access before, so I don't know if this will cause any problems or not. Mostly, what I have on my keychains are passwords for various wi-fi hotspots that I frequent. What should I do if I get another problem and can't connect to the Internet after a security update? Just delete the Internet keychains and make new ones? I don't want to mess anything up.

I REALLY wish I could figure out WHY my computer is giving me such trouble with AirPort/Internet after these security updates all of sudden. It always worked fine before. :(

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm soooo disappointed. Twenty-two people have viewed this thread and not ONE reply??? You geeks are losing your touch. ;)
Open Keychain Access. Under one of the Menus there's a Repair Keychain. Try that.

You could also download and run the 10.3.9 Combo Updater and see if that helps.

Thanks, Bob. I don't see a Repair Keychain option, but I DO see a Keychain First Aid option. I assume that's what you're referring to?

Also: When opened Keychain access, I just noticed something. You know that drawer/window thing that pops out when you click "Show Keychains"? Well, it shows TWO "System" keychains (both contain the same exact list). Could that be the culprit? What should I do? Delete one and just keep one? If so, does it matter which one I delete, since they look like duplicates?

Thanks, Bob (or anyone else that attempts to help). Greatly appreciated. :)
Yes, try the Keychain First Aid.

I only have one System in my Keychains. Don't know why you would have two.

Look here;


If there are two in there, drag one to the desktop, don't trash.
Look at the date on each and drag the older one out.

Restart and see if that makes a difference.
OK, I looked in Library/Keychains and I have only two items in there:



That is exactly the way they appear typed in Library/Keychains.

I don't have a system keychain in there at all. BUT ... when I open Keychain Access and click on "Show Keychains" and that little drawer window pops out, there are FOUR keychains there:

1. Login
2. System
3. Microsoft Intermediate Certificates
4. System

Does this sound messed up to you?
I'm soooo disappointed. Twenty-two people have viewed this thread and not ONE reply??? You geeks are losing your touch. ;)

Remember that not everyone is in the same time zone and not everyone knows the solution to each problem.

You can delete keychains if you wish, normally they are recreated when needed. An entry in the KEYCHAIN contains information to be save for specific functions like mail passwords, login passwords etc. So after removing an entry in the keychain the information has to be re-entered.

If the names of the entries are different, there should not be a problem, equal named entries might give problems and if so, should be removed.

Good luck, Kees
Remember that not everyone is in the same time zone and not everyone knows the solution to each problem.

You can delete keychains if you wish, normally they are recreated when needed. An entry in the KEYCHAIN contains information to be save for specific functions like mail passwords, login passwords etc. So after removing an entry in the keychain the information has to be re-entered.

If the names of the entries are different, there should not be a problem, equal named entries might give problems and if so, should be removed.

Good luck, Kees

Yeah, I know. I was just being my usual sarcastic, facetious self. :D

Thanks for your help. Now I won't worry too much in the future if the problem arises again and I have to delete keychains.