help me do a fresh Jag install w/o losing my iTunes files?


I'm hoping someone can help me.

I have a 500Mhz iMac and I'd like to get the most speed as I can out of Jaguar. I've heard that a fresh install would be best. First off - if I do that will I lose OS 9.2 that I have installed on my system? I definately want to keep the full version (not just "Classic") on my machine for now.

Next question...I realize I'll lose all my OS X programs and stuff...I'm OK with that. I can re-install them.

But, the one thing I really don't want to lose is all my music files. They're all imported into iTunes. My OS X and OS 9 iTunes Libraries do NOT currently share the same files (I've never figured out how to get that to work).

My question is - where I can stash the actual mp3s themselves on my system so Jaguar won't erase them? And how can I also save my Library file so that when I re-import all those saved mp3s iTunes won't have forgotten all the custom naming I did (like to correct the Artist, album, etc). I don't really need my Playlists but I'd hate to have to correct all those filenames again.

Any ideas???
I hope you have partitioned your hard drive...
First things fiirst, on OS X side, you can tell iTunes where the tunes are by pointing it in preferences to desired folder. If you have another partition, then problem solved - copy them over there and install.

If you have separate Classic and OS 9 (ie classic on same partition as OS X, and another OS 9 on another) you wont lose OS 9...

And, mods, move this to appropriate forum:), update. Oh, and NO, my drives are NOT partitioned.

Jag came in the mail today and I couldn't wait.

So...I Upgraded my 10.1.5 to 10.2. No problems. I guess I wanted a bit faster, though. Actually, with lots of things running it actually seems to drag a bit. And app launches are SLOW. But...the rest is GREAT!!!

Now...some more questions?

I'm thinking this weekend maybe I'll COMPLETELY WIPE OUT 9 from my system. The only reason I'd used it as of late was for RealPlayer 8 but 10.2 finally gets it to work in Classic for me (a first).

1) Can I uninstall 9 completely without losing Classic or without hurting 10?
2) Can I then do a fresh 10.2 install without losing files?

I'm assuming I might want to just offload all my important stuff to a CD and reinstall everything fresh, like factory-new? Would that give me optimal performance?

Can I install factory-new from the 10.2 disc?

What I don't understand is...10.2 doesn't come with OS9 does it? If not, how does Classic work? I can use Classic but can't BOOT into 9?

How to I install new OS9 programs if I want to? Like RealPlayer. Will it come installed with program that I might need - like IE?

I'll have plenty of time to do all of this over the long weekend so I'd GREATLY appreciate anyone's help/opinions.

(and yes - the opinion of "You won't get THAT MUCH speed by going thru all the trouble so just sit tight" is accepted) ;)
Hmm, If you have 2 separate installations of OS 9, then you can safely rid yourself from the "real OS 9"
Secondly, fresh install? erm, this is misleading term, a cousin of clean install...I'd rather backup all the valuable files there are, wipe the drive clean, partition it, and make a clean install of X.2 and OS 9 (yes, you can install it, and nothing will stop you from booting from it)
Propably the ideal situation were that you installed OS 9 on one (smaller) partition, and OS X.2 + OS 9.2.2 (the classic) on bigger partition. You can skip the installation of other OS 9, and use the booting OS 9 as classic, I have mine setup so, but be careful with that, you do not want to clog it with unnecessary extensions and stuff:)

And if you want to install OS 9 apps, you can do it either in Classic mode or full-fledged booted OS 9 if you wish. Latter is better, for Classic gets no device control on top of OS X.

Hope this helps...