help with ppp and dsl please


Hi all,
i've recently recevived my new dsl connection (with an ethernet modem)
now, my question is this ....

how to start the ppp daemon to make it able to start the dsl connction every time the machine bootup ???

Thanks in advance to anyone can help me!!!

NOTE: I 've tyed to get the help of man pages but with no results :-(((
In the PPP options, set it to "connect automatically when starting TCP/IP applications" (or whatever it says). Now put something in your login items, such as a browser or something to get online.
my machine should be set up as router and as ftp server and so i need to start ppp from the rc file or someting similar ...

just in case via ssh i need to reboot the machine !!

any other ideas ??? please
won't you then need a dual-homed machine?

dsl normally auths through PPPoE.

if you turn on FTP in System Pref it edits your inetd.conf and will start FTP everytime you machine is reboted. you may also look at inetd.conf for ppp. is you machine actually gogin to be recieving dial-up requests? what is the point if you have an always on broadband connection?
Subject says it all. Did your provider give you the modem(its not really a modem anyway, lets call it network adapter)? Do they have a DSL router option that you can take advantage of. That way you can set up your internet connection via your ethernet port and it will always be connected. If you have security concerns, activate the firewall software that comes with osX...

I am not too familiar with the PPPoE stuff, but it seems silly to use that when you are already connecting to your DSL box via Ethernet... go the extra mile (or spend the extra money) and get the router instead. Nice thing about the router is that more than one computer can use this connection without having to jump through all the software hoops to make your mac a router/natd gateway too.

Just my two cents... Oh, and if you can't get the router, just set it to connect automatically and setup a cronjob that pings something every on the internet every minute or two just so it it will keep the connection alive.
I use Earthlink DSL and they do give you a connection, but will not let you browse until you auth into their network via PPPoE at which point the throw you an IP via DHCP. Even if you have a static IP through earthlink, you still have to auth with PPPoE.

My network config is:

DSL Modem --> LinkSys Cable/DSL Router (Doing the PPPoE negotiations) --> Hub ---> Some computers