Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by voice-
oh my god, I just realized something, you 2(tismey and symfonix) have just about the same post-count as me...I see you as legends here, I really thought you'd have "Congratulations to"-topics around here...

Legend? L'il ol' me? I just keep you lot refreshed.

Actually, I realised the other day that it's ages since I posted anything that's actually USEFUL on this site. I usually only get an opportunity to appear clever if I get to a post started by a newbie before anyone else does. My professional expertise is all in Oracle PL-SQL, which doesn't get queried very often around here (due to there being no OSX client, I guess). I'm the first point of contact for all my Mac-owning friends when they get in a bit of a pickle in the real world, but here I'm just yet another person who knows a fair bit about Macs! I quite like that.

As for post counts, I tend to lurk. The number of times I've hit 'reply to', then changed my mind cos I can't think of anything constructive to say....

Symphonix - I know what you mean about interesting people. When I worked behind a bar, I used to meet people who were either amazingly interesting people, or very practised liars and to be honest I don't care which they were cos they were entertaining. Since I've been working at a 'proper' job, the people here are cool, but I've still not met anyone who claims he was drummed out of the foreign office by Margaret Thatcher as a scapegoat for a shooting at Checkpoint Charlie 9 days before the Wall came down....
Originally posted by tismey

I'm the first point of contact for all my Mac-owning friends when they get in a bit of a pickle in the real world, but here I'm just yet another person who knows a fair bit about Macs! I quite like that.

Exactly how I am. In real life and other forums I'm the first guy to ask. I had 2 people asking "Which Mac should I buy?" in as many days. One is a guy who has $3000 to spend(getting the dual 1Ghz, he wouldn't wait till MWNY) and the other is a girl in my class who got a PC which was pap, returned it and thought "the Mac at school never does this".
There is one guy, however, who I have a great respect for. He's my source of info and has a dual 1Ghz. It was not long ago I actually talked him out of using IE, the Tabbed browsing of Mozilla did the trick...

But alas, here I'm only another guy with a Mac or two...I like that:)
NKuvu, today while I was working, the TV sitcom "Roseanne" ran in the background, and I watched to the TV from time to time, and then I saw that on the fridge hangs a drawing from DJ which is nearly 100% your avatar...I'd even say it IS your Avatar...

anybody care to explain??? :D
*strolls in, hands in pocket, finding an empty stool. Plops down.*

Hi yall.

tismey I understand what you mean about posting habits. I will ponder at times how this changes as our memberships age.

Hehe, we should have therapy group for members that have gone through the aging stages of macosx.com. We can have questions floating around like... "It's been 2 weeks, and I can't seem to get motivated in posting replies for members having internet connection problems. Am I bad?" :D
tismey - maybe if you abbreviated to "Off bartender/Ass mananger", you could get your entire title in your descriptor:D

klink - i have been thinking about creating my own FAQ database so that i can just cut and paste answers that seem to get asked anew about every 2-3 weeks. I was suggesting people do a site search but lots of newbies seem to not understand the concept. it does become a toiling task to answer the same set of problems over and over and maintain a sense of mental stimulation and satisfaction. you can count me in for your group sessions:p

now i tend to meet lots of interesting characters. i am also a moron magnet. Being able to attract others into your life who are 'different' brings in all sorts. The problem is that if you start getting too irritated with the morons, then you shut down the energy that is attracting unusual people into your life. so learning to deal with the truly 'odd' is a necessity if you want to continue to interact with the entertaining. actually taken with a smidgon of humor, odd people can be quite entertaining as well.:p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
tismey - maybe if you abbreviated to "Off bartender/Ass mananger", you could get your entire title in your descriptor:D

It's my fault he won't put it there, I'm bullying him, calling him "Ass manager of bartender"
NKuvu, today while I was working, the TV sitcom "Roseanne" ran in the background, and I watched to the TV from time to time, and then I saw that on the fridge hangs a drawing from DJ which is nearly 100% your avatar...I'd even say it IS your Avatar...
I got my avatar off the net -- years ago, I am not sure where. But I don't have any connections to Roseanne. Heck, I don't even have television. I watch movies, but not regular TV.
Originally posted by voice-
nkuvu, no offense, but all the sheep you've met are stupid then...
No offense taken -- how did you think I'd take this? Like it's my fault that the sheep I know only go "Baa"? ;)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
tismey - maybe if you abbreviated to "Off bartender/Ass mananger", you could get your entire title in your descriptor:D

Actually, I was thinking about how to do that. But I thought it might give the wrong impression of the establishment that is Herves. Ass Manager? Sounds like I help run a lapdancing club.

Mind you, that's not a bad idea when you look at the number of members the site has vs the number in the 'Have you got a partner?' thread. We could make a killing!
Tismey, I was wondering about that myself. I also want to know what an Off Bartender is. I imagine a bartender sitting on a barstool:
Random Person: "Hey, buddy, can I get a drink?"
Off Bartender: "Not from me. I'm off"

Eh. Not as funny once it's all typed out there. I swear things are funnier in my head. :D
Originally posted by nkuvu
Tismey, I was wondering about that myself. I also want to know what an Off Bartender is. I imagine a bartender sitting on a barstool:
Random Person: "Hey, buddy, can I get a drink?"
Off Bartender: "Not from me. I'm off"

And as you know, as long as I'm here, I'm working... Never one to leave fellow alcoholic dry.

I some wontons. You want one?
Heheheheheheheee nkuvu so funneeeeeeeee......

God, I feel like I'm (ill)egally drunk :p Does anyone else ever get these spontaneous bursts of happiness (I call them "euphoric bursts") that's really insane and takes over your whole mind where you're just HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY for no apparent reason, although you're not? And I don't take any drugs at all, which makes it even more bizarre... :p

I have a strange mind. :D
I could have quietly edited that post, nkuvu, and left you looking silly. But I'm not going to. I'm just not going to serve you for ages next time you come to the bar, and serve people who have been waiting less time. That'll teach ya

And bluefusion - you're never talking to yourself in Herve's. Like any good bartender, I'm always nodding and listening and making notes of things I can blackmail you with later...
I knew you could edit the post -- Tom's done that to me a few times already. That's why I quote the funny bits. And I am not a stranger to looking silly. ;)

I'm not trying to make fun -- I just like pointing out amusing typos. Like when Tom said he was showing his computer to his family/fiends...

This is probably the most talkative that I have ever seen you, tismey.

Somewhat off topic, but I really like Ed's database idea. We could even go so far as to make an automated AI script that checks the new posts and either replies with the correct solution or PMs the user with the address of the previous thread.... Hmm... :)
I havn't been keeping up in here pfhor so long... If pfhortune was kinder (less homework!!) I might be in here more often, but pfhor the time being...