Herve's Bar & Grill

OK, who wants to go hiking with me?

It's really nice outside, toasty and warm (88° F / 31° C).

It'll be fun!

So.... anyone?

Anyone at all?

*sigh* OK, I guess it's just me then. See you all later...
I would, but I have a stomachache, a headache, assorted joint pains, a temperature, and a sore throat :)

In short, I feel like crap today :(

But have fun! I'm going hiking next weekend upstate, I think...
Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
sorry wdw_, the text was smaller than i thought...

here... how do you like the first artist i have listed :)
Oh. I saw that part. I didn't get that you want me to look at the music artists.

Anyway, SYSTEM OF A DOWN ROCKS!!!:mad::mad::mad:

Yeah, this is unfortunate in my eyes. I'm not trying to be a post-aholic, and I am definitely not posting merely to increase post count.

The unfortunate part is the people who look at the numbers alone and think that that's my goal. Or when xoot thought it was okay to be an "insane poster" because of the number of posts I have.

As I mentioned in one thread (don't ask me to find it, I'm tired :p ), I learn a lot by helping people out with their OS issues. I learn best when I don't know the answer right away, and I can do some diagnosis of the problem. It helps me understand how things are set up, because I don't run into nearly as many problems as the total of the people here do. That sounded kinda funny -- I mean to say that since I am only one person, I only run into so many problems. Since there are thousands of users on the site, I'll see a much wider variety of problems. Because of my Unix background I can sometimes figure out exactly what the problem is. Or at least point the user in the right direction. Kind of like when I know it's probably a permissions problem, or an ownership problem, et cetera.

The other real advantage to this is that the other user gets to see how I diagnose problems, and can usually apply that process to future problems. It's a formula that has worked very well for me in the past (I worked for about 3 years as a lab assistant in the community college computer lab).

So, enough about me. How about I talk about my hike? I just got back from hiking. Man it was hot. I brought almost 3 liters of water, and had no water by the time I got back. I hiked up a local canyon, and went in about 3.5 miles (5.6 km or so). That's a round trip of 7 miles (11.2 km) for the mathematically challenged. ;) I saw a bunch of lizards (no surprise), a cool green snake, and a cardinal, as well as some incredible geologic formations. Er, uh, those would be rocks. :) It was very interesting... It ws especially nice since I went alone, I could go at my own pace, which is usually slower than everyone else.

OK, I'll shut up now...
Quit callin' nkuvu a postaholic. nkuvu's posts, along with Ed and RacerX's, are some of the ones I look forward to reading the most, because they're intelligent, frequently funny, and above all well thought out. They don't just crank out posts for the sake of cranking out posts; they crank them out because they have something valuable to say, and I, for one, am glad they say it here. I hope that by the time I reach 1000 posts, other people here regard me as highly as I regard them.

I'll be looking forward to your Congrats thread, nkuvu, because I think you deserve it. :D

Unfortunately, I'll probably be back at home, using dialup on a PeeCee and competing with my brother and mother for the phone line by then. Dammit! :rolleyes:

-the valrus
Nice article ksv(did I get it right?), but I'd guess they will work in the middle of the town, I live a few km's outside
hi everybody. i just wanted to thank Valrus for his kind words about my posts. i'm not sure i agree completely, but thanks anyway. i would just add that many of my posts are from being involved in conversations in threads. not all replies are meaningful, but if they keep the conversation going til it gets to be meaningful, then they have served a purpose. I know nkuvu is pretty good at conversing as well as helping and that is a good combo.

as for my conversing, just imagine me running around the place remodeling and cleaning up for the next week. if yo say hi, i might have time to say hi back as i move on to my next chore. I just do not have the time or energy at the moment as we prepare for my GF's son's graduation from law school party. It is next saturday and already it feels like there won't be enough hours to do all we expect to. by the time i get in front of my computer at night i am too tired to muster much response. so much is going on in the religion thread that i want to get involved in but i fear i would have to give up sleep to do so. and that would be a great sacrifice as i am running on low voltage as it is.

Tuesday is green tras day so all day tomorrow will be spent cleaning up my mess from the yard remodel.

I could really care less about the number of posts people have, the more posts, the more fun, right? ;) I'm just amazed you could post an average of 17-18 posts a day or so. That's crazy :p
Ahhh Monday.
Well this is a shortened week for me, because on wendsday I fly out to Calgary for a music competition with my jazz band! So I wont be around the bar from then until Sunday. I'll miss you all! :D

But I'm not gone yet :(.
I think I fell down my stairs on Friday night. But I'm not sure. I have bruises and I don't know where they came from.
...heavy day at work on Friday. Then some friends who don't usually go out decided they were going out after all, so I had to join them. And people kept buying me drinks!!

And of course barmen are supposed to drink. Otherwise how can they properly advise you on the best thing for you to drink? that'd be like buying a computer from someone who only uses windows.... Oh....
ah monday and im home "sick":p hahahaha silly mother. anywho, ive been spending my time making a neet mod to my buddy icon, can anybody tell me what it is?
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
bartenders are supposed to sample not drink :p
Well for anyone else who wants to sample, the drinks are on me today. (Broke the 1000 post barrier, ya know)

Cheers! :D

Edit: This doesn't indicate that I'm post conscious, by the way. I just got a congrats thread, and wanted everyone to have something to celebrate
Originally posted by satanicpoptart
ive been spending my time making a neet mod to my buddy icon, can anybody tell me what it is?

i see it, i like it, but don't specifically know exactly what it is!

it is very cool though... :)

speaking about avatars, can anyone take the little white jaggies off of mine? :)