Herve's Bar & Grill

Actually I have one more year :p
but still you are never free, I plan on learning quite a few things (too bad I cant pass my knowledge genetically to my offspring :p -- it would be a shame for all that to go to waste :p)
Originally posted by ksv

Wow, get a new job :p

No, I love my job. But once you're out of education you have all that real-world shizit to deal with. Like taxes, for example.
Heh. There's also the "ehh, I don't feel like going to class today. I can make it up" thing. Try telling that to your boss. ;)
Originally posted by nkuvu
Heh. There's also the "ehh, I don't feel like going to class today. I can make it up" thing. Try telling that to your boss. ;)

That my friend is called a "personal" day where I work :p
I don't want to work anywhere where I'm employed BY someone else. I wanna work for myself... and a design or artistic job is just that. Unfrotunately you can't make it as an artist too easily, eh?
we have x amount of personal days where I work and we can take them whenever lol ;)

well I just got a dandy email from the web dev team :p --- all teh tasks that I am supposed to work on have due dates in july....WHEN I AM ON VACATION !!!!!! :p jeez dont some of these people have lives ? :p

well I will do my work in june, give it to them before I go on vacation and let them beautify it ;)

I also decided to do something I never would have thunk of doing :p --- I am going to use dreamweaver (or some sort of WYSIWYG app) to do this in a fast manner :p --- dont forget that I also have my own web site to update -- is AK going over to teh dark-side of coding or is this acceptable ? :p

It depends. How clean is DreamWeaver code? And will you be able to go back to a text editor after usinga WYSIHWYG (What you see is hopefully what you get ;) )?

Oh, and I like working for someone else. I do my job, they do the worrying about all the other stuff (like getting new contracts and such).
lol I think I will clean up the dreamweaver code once I am done (if I have time :p) ... else I will leave it like that but make a commented version (printed out) for me... ---- job security :p
good day everyone:)

I just thought i would drop by and share a pic of the fish in the pond at feeding time. they are quite entertaining as they rush around competing for flakes of fish food. there is one i call Einstein because he is almost always the first one to figure out that some of the food gets swept to the other end of the pond by the action of the waterfall. I now have them conditioned to expect food right after i clean the filter, which involves shutting the pump on. They start to gather right after i pull the plug and by the time i start it up again, they are in a mass. then the fun begins.

as for working for yourself or for others, i have done both. I can only say that both have their advantages and disadvantages. Neither is ideal and both are better if you like what you are doing and who you are doing it for. working for a good boss can be a lot less headaches than being your own boss. the trick is to be so good at something that you virtually become your own boss but then let others deal with other aspects.


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thanks Tolya. I suppose i should take some more pics soon as there have been some improvements since the last ime i shared.

So far we have spent about $17 on the fish. But the biggest part of that was 2 betas that cost $4 each. the first one just disappeared - never saw him after the day i released him. I think the second one may now be gone as well. but he at least was seen for several days afterwards. He at least lived thru the party where myself and some others spotted him. I certainly am not going to try another one any time soon. perhaps a fancy fantail goldfish next time i want to invest in something more exotic. But the nicest ones are really the "jumbo feeders" that i get at an aquarium store for '10 for $3'. there seem to be about 12-13 of the original 20 that were bought at that price still surviving. And at that price, i can afford to go get another 10 every month if needed.:p
"shutting the pump on", Ed? How does one do that? ;)

The pond doesn't look suitable for betas at all, btw. Keep in mind the origins of betas -- rice paddies in China. Which means little water, next to no water circulation, definitely no filtration.

I have also heard that goldfish excrete a mucous which is toxic to other fish, so it's difficult at best to keep goldfish with other species. I don't have any reference info to back that up, however, so don't quote me on it.

Goldfish are definitely "messy" fish. The filtration in our tank, according to the manufacturer, needs to be replaced every month or so. I've found that weekly replacement is necessary to keep water flowing through it. And that's four goldfish in 37 gallons (not crowded at all).
The pond doesn't look suitable for betas at all, btw. Keep in mind the origins of betas -- rice paddies in China. Which means little water, next to no water circulation, definitely no filtration.

I have also heard that goldfish excrete a mucous which is toxic to other fish, so it's difficult at best to keep goldfish with other species. I don't have any reference info to back that up, however, so don't quote me on it.

nkuvu is correct in stating this

I love my fish :D