Herve's Bar & Grill

Get a long time relationship. People who are married etc normally have less sex than singles and spend night rather home eating more than the singles, so they become fat.

That's only half true ... :D but I *am* gaining weight nevertheless ... ;)
mr K fast now and then and then eat junk etc does not work. well, fast all the time and then when eat not so junk, more healthy stuff (and a lot of candy) does not make me fat. :p

Cat and arden, joking about that. At least a good thing for the singles. :D ... besides I haven't got (any) fat(ter) and Panther's lost some weight ...

Arden, is there any tapioca in the bar? That would be perfect for a breakfast ... can I have an americano too? :D
Sorry, the Mexican workers stole all the tapioca. We'll be getting some in tomorrow. But will this do for the Americano?
Sounds cool. Take away the cream and whipped cream and it's fine - i always forget I hate cream. :p
Hmm, I think I'll come in early tomorrow morning and start screaming "INS! INS!" just to watch all those Mexican workers scatter. ;)

Err...and you eat tapioca for breakfast? I guess I shouldn't talk, I like eating steak in the morning...hmm, but then again, I work nights and I'm just getting off of work in the mornings. Heh
i normally eat no breakfast, just espresso or americano .. i used cappuccinos too but avoiding milk now ... heh, tapioca (fried) is kind of cool, haven't had good tapiocas in years ... now having guava roll, it's nice. and no wheat :)
Be nice to the workers...
How would you like it if you made minimum wage cleaning a bar and some meanie came in screaming at you before you woke up?
I'd take a steak over tapioca for breakfast anyday, especially with some scrambled eggs. Tapioca is good for a snack, like with a Yoplait, but it's hard to beat steak, eggs and a Belgian waffle. *drools into Mr. K's drink*

Sorry, here's another.
Allergies - on that note my throat is so freakin sore I almost can't talk...
I went to bed last night with a bit of a cough, and woke up this morning and almost choked because my throat is so congested.
And on top of that, it really hurts to cough, and I need to cough to clear my throat and fight the muteness.
I'll take a few liters of cough syrup, bartender, and can you mix it up real quick and nice? There's a real good tip in it for you...

What's the tip? If it's Photoshop- or music-related, I'm all ears. If not, I'll still listen, but it might not apply to me.
Err, if some of you guys didn't get that, I was saying I'd go in and start yelling "I N S" ... stands for Immigration Naturalization Service. They're the ones that'll deport any illegal aliens. ;)

I grew up 2 1/2 hours away from Mexico, I used to have fun yelling that every now and then when I was a kid. Though my mom usually knocked me upside the head when I did. Heh

Err, though they're named something else now; they got absorbed into the Department of Homeland Security. Guess I'll need to learn some new letters. :D

Oh, and BTW, mr. K, most of the illegal Mexicans that were where I grew up worked for much less than minimum wage. Which made it bad for the rest of us, we only got paid minimum wage, which was $4.25 (or maybe $4.50) when I was 16. Those guys would come over from Mexico, find "under the table" jobs, then go back to Mexico very rich by their standards.
Yes, I use zyrtec / zirtec and its clones. I'm trying to be very careful with all medications since last year .. had a 'nice' kidney failure and I still feel my kidneys at least about every night. So painkillers, allergy stuff etc only when it's totally horrible without, when I can't sleep for pain or when I keep coughing till 4 am.
Originally posted by Darkshadow
Err, if some of you guys didn't get that, I was saying I'd go in and start yelling "I N S" ... stands for Immigration Naturalization Service. They're the ones that'll deport any illegal aliens. ;)

Yeah I heard you!
I was bitting my toung and trying my best to ignore your comments! :mad: :confused:

You DO realize that Mexicans (and Native American Indians) belong here more so than anyone else, right?
How would you like it if Native Americans did the same thing to your family when they came over here from who knows where.

I can't help but to fantasize about the Natives killing off everyone that came over - instead of making the grave mistake of befriending them!


Next time - take the hint at the cold silence at your comments!
I doubt darkshadow was talking about legal mexicans so just chill out. He was talking about ones that 'run the board'. So chill

Correct me if I'm wrong DS
Yet knowing this - I still fail to see the joke or any humor by it... :confused:

It still sounds racist to me... maybe because I've heard people make stupid racist comments all the time (like yelling "INS") since I'm "so close to Mexico". Makes me want to beat the crap out of those kind of ignorant people!

BTW, wasn't what's his face with the ships an illigal imagrant too? (yeah I know his name - ask me if I care) I never heard mention of a "green card" in Thanksgiving stories! (Thanksgiving! HA!!!).

There should be no such thing as race,
There should be no such things are "borders",
Look at all the racist people because of it!

I see a "Mexican" and I don't see anything "Illegal" about him/her. All I see is one of the hardest working human beings on earth - who their "American" or "White" counterpart would have nothing to do with the hard job the "Mexican" is doing! And yeah "Americans" should be affraid at the job competition - I mean alot of them are business owners!!! God forbid an "American" working for one of them! :eek:

Ok off my soap box. Go ahead and sensor me if you'd like...
I want a United World. Where it does not matter which passport you have, if you just live fine and work you are okay.