Herve's Bar & Grill

Push your middle finger against your thumb really hard. Now try to slide the finger toward your wrist quickly. It helps to have lots of friction between thumb & finger, or IOW little moisture or grease.

What's with all the LOTR mod avy's all of a sudden?

And I'm still the bartender.
A long story ...
Uh!! I wanted to wake up 2 hours ago. I don't remember putting off the alarm. Arden, make me an Americano while I shower ..
Would that I could have posted to *****
I was searching for something and I came across this. Quite an interesting experiment in the history of this site.

And now I must retire, for I have class upon the mire.
Here we go: girls acting like they're totally into you...telling you how sexy you look, hugging more than needed, and just flirting. And then they start talking about their boyfriends or they won't let you borrow their pen. What gives?! Honestly they're screwing up my life! They're giving me a ton of self esteem so I can make a fool of myself and try talking to other girls!!! STOP IT! If you really want to be friends then let's be friends (talk outside of class dork!) and if you want to be more than friends stop talking about your boyfriend already and let's make out!!!

*shoots rubberbands at the fan*
Either some drunken F16 pilot is flying back and forth over the city, or someone in my neighborhood is having fun launching cruise missiles from his balcony. The place is a bit noisy at the moment :p

So arden, where's my coffee?
Forget girls until college?!!?!?!

NO WAY! Never, no how!
Besides, I don't get to go to college for another 4 years.
Originally posted by Giaguara
here's coffee ksv. wait, do you mean coffee (espresso) or filtered stuff when you say coffee? :)

"Filtered stuff" is a good term for the muddy water people drink and call coffee. How can people keep their self respect serving that disgusting substance :p
To me it's all a bunch of...
Originally posted by ksv
"Filtered stuff" is a good term for the muddy water people drink and call coffee. How can people keep their self respect serving that disgusting substance :p

I guess you've never had good coffee through a French press?
Skateboarding for 3 weeks in a row and never taking a nap really sucks.

*falls asleep on the counter*
Just got back from the KR3W skateboard demo in downtown Orem, Utah. It was so great! I love the attitude everybody brings to events like that. It's just so positive and fun!

Drinks for all, I passed 4000 posts! Actually, I didn't even notice, so the drinks are all waters. :rolleyes:
i like more 777 especirally when it comes to the fiels of the other people

i feel im getting a bad cold. like the last times in uk, i saved 11 ppl from the cold statistics - as an average person is said to get 2,5 colds a year, i got 2,5 bad ones in a month. i'll just have to drag myself to pharmacy to get hot lemon powder etc. i don' have time to be ill now..