Don't worry Trip, you are our 'Precious Moderator'
Now it's my turn to rant

I've been playing the piano for eight years, I am pretty good. My teacher is pushing me to be a professional musician, and he says that if I want to, I can be one of the best out there. I'm thinking about it, but I still have to do loads of practice each day. Like 6+ hours. I
can do this because I'm home-schooled, but the bad thing is, after about two hours, I loose motivation.
I think I need something which will disable the computer until I've finished
1) Piano practice
2) Flute practice
3) Math work
4) Chores
Right now, no matter how hard I try and how many resolutions I make, sometimes one or more of those doesn't get done each day. I always thought I had good self-discipline, but now I'm not so sure. Because quite often other little assignments, like reading a book chapter, or cleaning the pet's cage, or getting outside for awhile each day, don't get done. I really do try, but I'm beginning the think I need to do something drastic. Like no computer until after the piano competition I'm working towards (still over a month away). I'm not sure that I've gotten 'addicted' or anything like that, I don't spend 12 hours a day on the computer like I did at one point when I didn't have so much to juggle, but I spend enough time on here that I think it is distracting me from other things.
I am going down to my piano teacher's house this weekend, I'll be staying overnight, and I'm going to practice my brains out. I'm not taking my iBook. I'm hoping this will be enough to 'cure' me of my procrastination habits, but if it isn't...

One other thing that's really upsetting, I'm wanting to get a 99% (they don't give 100%) score on the SAT in a few years so I can get a full scholarship, and to do that, I've had to start taking a math course to 'brush up'. I had never done math before, or any structured subject excepting music for that matter, so when I discovered on the placement test that I was up with, and possibly even slightly ahead of my peers, I was pretty happy. I started my math book (Saxon Algebra 1/2) and everything went pretty well for awhile. Then after the review lessons, my scores on the problem sets started going down. I just did a chapter, and after 10 questions, went to check my answers. I had three correct. I was so disgusted that I stopped without doing the other 20 problems, and took a break to write some thank you cards (another of those little things that didn't get done).
I thought that this would clear up with practice, and to some extent it has, but I don't like finally not making mistakes after spending over a week getting one of of two questions wrong.
What's worse is that I am only on lesson 20, over 10 lessons behind my younger sisters. Granted they are doing books several levels behind, I was only planning to do four lessons a week instead of the five they are doing, but even accounting for that, I am still about 6 lessons behind. I think this is also due to my inability to forget about the computer.
I don't think I need to go into counseling or anything

but I really need to do something about this, I am getting really mad at myself

I guess I could call this "Alex's Problems: what he's never told anyone else". I wish I could clear this up myself, but I'm not having much luck.