Thatshy you've been less around Arden.. ?
I had a laser surgery to my eyes too, in '99/'00. Before I didn't see my fingers..
I was quite uncompatible with the contacs. In winter the air was so dry that they hurt. In spring and summer I'm allergic to about everything .. so most times I could not wear the contacts for a day. Sometimes I had to take them out after 5 mins of use, as they just hurt. And I never found a quick, comfortable way to stick them to my eyes. Well. The overgeeky look with the geeky glasses is gone, but I like it. See clearly when you wake up without sticking glasses on your face. See clear when ir rains or snows, feel your eyes FREE .. it felt nearly like being naked to not have the glasses on, but now I love it.
The eyes seem so much bigger when they aren't behind strong minus glasses. Great, isn't it?
How is your sight at night, hazmat? I have double vision, which is .. I see the clear, new image, AND the old image. The operation can be done to correct 6,5 - 7 mm of diameter on the pupil (I need more coffee for better english, I'm sleepy); most people have pupils of that size. Mine are big, always, and in dark, or when I'm tired or .. under anything (inclusing coffee too!) my pupils get to 9,5 mm! That is, leaving 0,5 mm of color (iris?) visible, all the rest is pupil (0,05 cm of color; 1 in = 2,55 cm). People have always wondered and asked around me if I'm under substances due to the eyes .. also when I was like 10 or 12! (Over-hyperactive, never sat on one place long, slept very little and all other paranoias..)
As the 'old image' is very unclear it in most cases does not matter. So I see e.g. a street sign, and behind it it looks like there was a light 10 times as big as the sign, the old image looks really like a light as it was so blurry on the time I had the old vision. The clear image is clear, so the only limit is now that probably I would not be allowed to be a commercial pilot.

the sigth isn'1 100 % perfect maybe, but on sunny days I'm amazed really how far and well I can see. When I'm tired, I see a bit less clear, but I could guess that is just normal.
I'm really happy with the 'new eyes', and happy to hear that it all went fine for you too, haz. How often do you have controls now? When I had mine done, I had not heard of the lasek. I think that time they had only lasik, prk and inside-eye-lenses (that is to cases that are really strong, lets' say -12 to -40 d, and probably +8 to +40, or any extreme they can get to). And how long had you thought about having it done before you had it?