Herve's Bar & Grill

I don't really like contacts - so I'm gonna get 30 day wear lenses after I exhaust my current supply :)
I'm too young for lasik, too.
Cat said:
You mean you actually consciously _see_ them operating your eyes? I really think I couldn't stand that ... that horror story stuff ... being strapped down and having something sharp cutting your eye up and then the laser ... *shudders* brrrr ... I am shortsighted, I lack 8 points left and 9 right, but I feeling fine with glasses, really fine, don't need lasers me ... everything is just fine ...

Yes, you have to be awake for it. Anything you'd see is pretty blurry anyway. But I got LASEK. It's a little different than LASIK. No steel blade cutting into your cornea. Because of my bad astigmatism and bad vision, the doctor recommended this way, even though the recovery is a lot longer. With LASEK, all they do is loosen the very outer layer of the eye, the epithelium, and peel it back. They use this little hoe-like tool. Then the laser is the same. When the laser is on, you need to keep your eye on the red blinking light, which is the laser. They actually use a military tracking system to keep the laser on target, since your eye will still move involuntarily.
And me glad I've never lost a pair of glasses. I tried to get contacts once, but I was unable to stick them in my eye. I mean, seriously unable. I can't even get my finger near my eye without involuntarily closing it.

As for the coffee at night thing, my girlfriend likes to drink coffee at night too. We've been hanging out (almost) every night for the past couple weeks, and a couple of the nights we went to Denny's so she could have coffee before I dropped her off at home. She says it helps her relax.

Oh yeah, I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!!!!:D :D :D ::love::
Thatshy you've been less around Arden.. ? ;)

I had a laser surgery to my eyes too, in '99/'00. Before I didn't see my fingers..

I was quite uncompatible with the contacs. In winter the air was so dry that they hurt. In spring and summer I'm allergic to about everything .. so most times I could not wear the contacts for a day. Sometimes I had to take them out after 5 mins of use, as they just hurt. And I never found a quick, comfortable way to stick them to my eyes. Well. The overgeeky look with the geeky glasses is gone, but I like it. See clearly when you wake up without sticking glasses on your face. See clear when ir rains or snows, feel your eyes FREE .. it felt nearly like being naked to not have the glasses on, but now I love it.

The eyes seem so much bigger when they aren't behind strong minus glasses. Great, isn't it?

How is your sight at night, hazmat? I have double vision, which is .. I see the clear, new image, AND the old image. The operation can be done to correct 6,5 - 7 mm of diameter on the pupil (I need more coffee for better english, I'm sleepy); most people have pupils of that size. Mine are big, always, and in dark, or when I'm tired or .. under anything (inclusing coffee too!) my pupils get to 9,5 mm! That is, leaving 0,5 mm of color (iris?) visible, all the rest is pupil (0,05 cm of color; 1 in = 2,55 cm). People have always wondered and asked around me if I'm under substances due to the eyes .. also when I was like 10 or 12! (Over-hyperactive, never sat on one place long, slept very little and all other paranoias..)

As the 'old image' is very unclear it in most cases does not matter. So I see e.g. a street sign, and behind it it looks like there was a light 10 times as big as the sign, the old image looks really like a light as it was so blurry on the time I had the old vision. The clear image is clear, so the only limit is now that probably I would not be allowed to be a commercial pilot. :D the sigth isn'1 100 % perfect maybe, but on sunny days I'm amazed really how far and well I can see. When I'm tired, I see a bit less clear, but I could guess that is just normal.

I'm really happy with the 'new eyes', and happy to hear that it all went fine for you too, haz. How often do you have controls now? When I had mine done, I had not heard of the lasek. I think that time they had only lasik, prk and inside-eye-lenses (that is to cases that are really strong, lets' say -12 to -40 d, and probably +8 to +40, or any extreme they can get to). And how long had you thought about having it done before you had it?
Yep, that's the reason. I spend all my usual online time with her instead of here posting. Ironically, we hang out at the Nexus, which as you all (should!) know by now, is the local LAN arcade, so I'm surrounded by computers the whole time. But it takes time to go through all these threads, and I'd rather pay to play than pay to post. (Of course, sometimes I don't pay at all... shh! ;))

Would that I could afford any kind of eye surgery... but I think I'd buy a new Mac first, and I can't even afford an eMac, so... well, have fun with your Minority Report eyes. ;)
Arden, you'd be too young for the surgery. It#s better if you are at least 18, and have had for a few years your vision stable, not getting worse. When you are still growing, lets say untill maybe 20 y or so, your eyes grow too. It is jsut better to wait untill your vision is stable, and only then correct teh vision. You have time, don't worry.

Is she a Mac user, Arden..? :D
My 19th birthday is a month from tomorrow. And yes, my eyes are still growing... blurrier. That's one of the (no, not the only) problems of wearing glasses.

And no, she's not a Mac user... she doesn't even have a computer at home. She just uses the computers at Nexus, or at her friends' houses, or the library, or whatever. If she were living with me, she'd be a Mac user. ;) But it's a little soon for that...
Happy birthday before -i forget when it is arden :)

19 .. well, I'd still wait for a few years before the operation to be sure the eyes are stable. Now .. take some pics and post them on hte other thread.. ? ;)
Heh, when Rochelle (not my girlfriend but her girlfriend ;)) gets her film used up & developed I'll scan them & put them up. As long as Rebecca's willing, of course...

Oh yeah, and this is a leap year, so tomorrow would be what? ;)
Ups. I forgot. :)

My honey is in Ireland drinking so he's saved from me I guess... :D :p .. no seriously, in other countries the tradition goes that a woman has all leap year to ask something stupid. :rolleyes:
<rant>I'm hungry, I haven't eaten in all day. Kitchen is occupied, there is an old chinese woman who is cooking on 100 pans and pots, and she speaks only Chinese (I don't). I'd rather cook and eat something but when I went to get a tea, 30 seconds in kitchen is enough to cause me an asthmatic reaction. It just did happen. (.. and running low in medicines) Argh. And something (the spices in the air?) cause my face to be funny looking but not so funny feeling, red, swolllen.. I am freezing.. the greek housemate is occupying the landline phone, I don't want to call my parents but am morally obbligued to (or they will rant). Too tired to go out to get food, too tired to fall asleep, too alone as my honey is in Ireland drinking guinness (so I can't call him either).. and I will have to wake up 5,20 am... likely getting at least another reaction tomorrow, my body does not tollerate very well dust or smoke etc right now.. gimme a drink, I think I need one!!</rant>
Thats poopy Giaguara, why is there a chinese woman cooking in your kitchen?

I haven't been able sleep much the last two or three weeks. Any sleep I do get is very uneasy and not very restful, drifting in and out of sleep waking up every few minutes. I was so tired friday night I finally just kinda passed out around 4:30 am and slept till about noon. I need to get some good healthy sleep cause my grades are starting to suffer. Anyone know any good natural cures for insomia?
Sex .. .or beer .. or hugging and kissing helps .. a glass of wine and a good movie hugging your honey ...

There is a chinese woman in the kitchen because my german housemate's chinese girlfriend moved in.. the woman is her mum. I think she stays a few days .. today when I came home it smelled absolutely delicious, I don't know what it was she was cooking but it made me feel I can't cook ...

Hey, it is the national pub week in UK now. I think it sounds nearly like national guinness day for Ireland - I think that would be everyday. (Any time going to Ireland.. I think the first thing I want to do is get a pint of guinness). Well .. lets celebrate it anyway at herve's. All virtual british (and irish) beers free for this week .. I'll have an eGuinness.. :p
Gia, smile at the woman in your kitchen and kindly say to her:

Ayi, rang wo shishi? Qing? (my pronounciation is lame but it's close to "Ah-yee, rang whoa shear-she? Ching?" Which is Auntie (a term of respectful affection for non-relatives), can I try some food? Please?

Then after say xi xi ni, nide fancai sher henhao. :D "Sheh-sheh nee. Nee-day fahn-kai shear hen-how." Which means thank you very much, your cooking is great.
JohnnyV said:
Anyone know any good natural cures for insomia?

Excessive amounts of alcohol usually does the trick.

If you wanna booze on a budget, any low-derv petroleum spirit or mouth wash will get you there .. where 'there' is, is another matter entirely...
Sex helps for insomnia too. if you try it and end up having sex all night, try having sex during the day so you#ll be so tired that youll fall asleep :P

I was a few days in Scotland. Awesome. Really pretty landscapes, I like alot the sea and hills .. green, seeing far. I was at Largs, west coast close to Glasgow and enjoed it. And there were a lot good-looking, smiling scottish guys too. And the accent they have around there is the absolute sexiest english accent ive heard anywhere .. :D

Time for a nap... more travelling ahead in a few hours.
Have you been putting yourself about, Giaguara?

Shame on you! :D

Yes, sex really does knock the smoke out of me. Only this morning, in fact. Much to the dismay of my girlfriend...
I don't drink and sex is kinda out of the question as I don't have a girlfriend right now and there don't seem to be very many girls around that want to have sex with me just to help me get sleep...hah
hey johnny. i didn't reply before as i thought perhaps this was a one time thing. but if you are having this problem on a regular basis then i have several suggestions. the first is to do something 'mindless' for a little bit before going to bed. like playing a video game where you don't really think but just react. or watching some really bad tv. infomercials and shopping channels always work well for me. second - try doing something physical about and hour or so before you want to go to bed. you need to do something exerting enough to stimulate the adrenalin. as adrenalin wears off, it tends to produce an opposite rebound state of tiredness for a bit. take advantage of that time and try going to sleep then. third, try a simple breathing meditation. this is just paying attention to your breathing instead of your thoughts. fourth, i suggest you figure out what mental things are going on and how you can resolve them so that your head isn't still spinning with them at bedtime. or what things you feel you've left undone for the day. procrastination often leads to insomnia as do avoided problems.

i hope one or more of these is some help to you. :)