Herve's Bar & Grill

Liquor is overrated guys - c'mon - anyone want some real intoxication? Start a varsity soccer match with all your boys in the crowd or take a hot bath and get out with your legs burning easy from playing. I'm just a kid - but I can pull my six pack out whenever I want, and it's free! :)
I had some nice Hoegaarden (white beer) last night. Excellent for summer evenings. Anyone else likes Dutch or Belgian beer around here?

Ok, a pc server but .. ;) .. try it at home .. anyone got a spare dell to try that mod?
mmm, i like gingerbread.
but im torn because it is wrapped around a pc!

what to do...

eat it?

smash it??

interesting site though, pc people must be really bored...
maybe this is how they pass the time between OS upgrades...
"Hey guys, Longhorn is going to take a little bit longer, but here, put a computer into this block of cheese while you wait!"

So wait, the Longhorn will be marketed only to Cheeseheads ... ? So the fans of Milwaukee soccer team(s) will enjoy longhorn .. if htey are pc users .. and the others?

I would like to eat that Gingerbread pc ..well, after all, a pc can run Linux so it doesn't have to be 100 % bad ...
hehe, true, you can put linux on there. I only said that b/c on that page they had put an itx box into an old Macintosh Plus (or something) and commented on "the comeback of apple??" . They must not get out much because apple has never left!
Yes yes.. I will be lifting real weights too. I bought a pair of gym shoes today, so I can go to gym tomorrow.. :D
arkayn, maybe some gym would help your shoulder too..
Since I have been lurcking on this board for a while pickin up tips and solving a few of my little problems, I thought I'd better register and intorduce myself.

MHPb is short for Megaheadphoneboy although my name irl is Andy. I've used Macs for years as I work as a graphic designer and there is no way I would be able to cope with windoze. I even avoid Office as much as I can and wrote my dissertation in TextEdit but that's beside the point. I'm 23, British and live close to Heathrow Airport which is great if you like tyre-tracks on yer roof!

There are a couple of links in my sig, one to my own mess of a website and the other to Soulseek Records, a democratic netlabel based around the Soulseek P2P network.

Thanks for you help with stuff in the past and maybe I'll be able to help out too.