Herve's Bar & Grill

dam pachell!! i haven't been able to get online all day until now. i got some yard work done and met my neighbor in the back yard. He is also out doing yardwork and i discovered he is also a therapist. We stood at the fence and talked for over an hour. pretty cool way to spend a day without you guys.:D

BB- great sign. i hope we don't have to pay extra for it. Those freeway advertising packages are very expensive.;)

you're on your own with Herve. I am still looking for his 3rd meaningful post. I am giving him an extension with all the downtime lately. but he had better come up with it by midnight my time.:p

as for summing up what has been going on, i might do that if kilowatt stops by like he said he would. then i would be getting two for the price of one. or maybe that should be his first post here, a summary of the last few days.:D

For some reason orange juice and sprite sounds good right now. could you put that in a tall glass ksv?
I wonder what the admin thinks of threads like this? We're eating up so much bandwidth that he has to pay for. :eek:
Originally posted by Hervé Hinnekens
Don't worry. Hérve is a collector's item.

he means that there are many "Hérves" and they come in different colors like indigo, snow, ruby, etc, and more recently silver. so now we can collect Hérves!!!

i'm gonna have o exit this bar, i'll be next door at the computer club full of chinks, i'll be playing starcraft with some buddies, wish me luck it's 2 vs 2 game. ahhh, although this big jug of Hérvekenn is starting to make me dizzy!
Jadey - don't you think if admin was concerned he would have shut down the cuss thread a long time ago? I think you will find that he wants participation on the boards - not just everybody lurking. I also think the new logo reflects the pride he must have that he has created a truly unique online community - one where people really are online friends and not just random names and q&a's. and Herve's was started to help facilitate that.

so have a good time when you come here and don't worry. it doesn't use up any more bandwidth than any other thread. viewing a page is viewing a page. It doesn't matter if it is Herve's or a thread about what brand of toothpaste Steve Jobs uses. Now if BlingBling starts putting up signs on every other page, you might have a point:D

so i am sure that as i end sun. nite, some of you are starting mon morning. here's wishing you the best of days today. (ok, how about the best of mondays- is that more realistic?)
BB - about Herve's reference to it being a collector's item. i think he is referring to a post that was made that showed the apple logo off centered on the back of a new imac screen - a manufacturer's typo if you will. so a herve with the wrong e accented would be a collectors item. unlike my use of no accent which is just the american model of Herve. ;)

there, is that translation enough for you?:D
Hey Ed **** your **** trap. I ******* love the ***** cus thread and***** I cant *** allow *** *** ***** **** *** to ***** ***** **** say bad things ***** ****8 **** 8*** about it! **************!

lol -- all this is not sensored in the cuss thread :p

as for teh community part, we are indeed making a community :D

one week till SPRING BREAK :D (no classes!)


A pint of your finest, please. OK then your cheapest. Alright, how 'bout anything yellow and bubbly? Thanks.

btw, as a cuss thread founder, I must comment you barflies on the fact that this thread is growing exponentially faster that cus ever did. Keep up the good work, and mor inportantly, keep the beer flowin
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
Now if BlingBling starts putting up signs on every other page, you might have a point:D

roadsigns on EVERY page... i dunno... that'd be a lot of signs... oh well... that means we get to brag! :D :D :D

but can we keep this one?


  • greatest.gif
    12.7 KB · Views: 14
It is strange, those signs are everywhere! I was driving down the Information Super Highway on my way here and saw this one!


  • signpost.jpg
    35.4 KB · Views: 20
Just something I through together in photoshop really quick. I think I used 4 layers, so you could have done it in 4.0 LE (I used 6.0 though, still waiting for 7.0... money is burn a hole in my hand here Adobe!).