Herve's Bar & Grill

tismey, slap your isp in the head once for me would you.!! for not only did they put you thru withdrawals, but they deprived us of you as well. :mad: (aw, go ahead and slap a few times!!)

and jadey - emote to your hearts content while in Herve's. :D :p ;) :rolleyes: :eek: :cool:

Ha, after digging through the cruel realms of the "All thoughts non technical" where people raise their post countes by posting the same swear words over and over again and feel cool about it, it is always a pleasure to return to Herve's Bar ;)

So, you are all downloading the update at the moment?

Until you all are back here, I'll have a beer...like always....
hey timsey,
I have a better idea :p
Dont SLAP your ISP, kick it so hard that it will fall flat on its arse :p

my ISP keeps acting up too :mad:
he he - yea Herve's is in a kinda rough neighborhood, but once you're inside you're safe:)

I agree it's time to kick back and wait for the downloads and playtime to finish cause the boards are gonna start lighting up with discoveries, disapointments, problems with installation and the usual bit. this is the lull before the storm i think. :p

i suppose i should cross my fingers at this point and hope that everything works at least as well as before. seeing as how my download is over already and i'm typing from the new osx. :D

so just out of curiosity, how many of the non-americans know what a lazyboy is anyway?
I'm Canadian and I know a lazyboy is! While technically that's not American, our stores all have the same shit for the most part. You guys don't get ketchup chips though - yum! Fortunately, they taste nothing like ketchup. Hrm....
I don't know what you guys are talking aboot, but the general term American (when looking at culture) should be taken as North American.

Other than paying less for school and having better health care, many of our experiences run quite parallel.
"I'm not a lumberjack or a fur trader. I don't live in an igloo, eat blubber or own a dogsled.

I don't know Jimmy, Suzie or Sally from Canada, although I'm certain they're very nice. I have a prime minister, not a president. I speak English and French, not American. And I pronounce it "about" not "a-boot."

I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I believe in peacekeeping, not policing; diversity, not assimilation. And that the beaver is a proud and noble animal. A toque is a hat, a chesterfield is a couch.

And it's pronounced Zed. OK. Not Zee. Zed. Canada is the second-largest land mass, the first nation of hockey and the best part of North America.

My name is Joe and I am Canadian."

- from a beer commercial, of course :p
Meme les amuse-gueule au foie les plus simples ont un gout exquis dans un endroit aussi charmant que celui-ci.
sorry to disagree with you racerX, but i agree with Jadey on this - she is not American. She is Canadien - a Canuck. Americans are from the United States of. But of course Canadiens should be entitled to lazyboys. after all, they need to be able to kick back and relax after being out in the frigging cold so much:D ;)

And while Lazyboys are all across America, there are many products that aren't. So i certainly wouldn't assume they had them in Canada having never been there myself. So thanks for answering Jadey.

Now what about the rest of you around the world, ever heard of a Lazyboy before?
I don't understand many words cyan is saying. but since i don't usually understand cat talk, i'm not going to worry about it this time either.:D

*Ed reaches down and pets cyan again who continues to purr after finishing the bowl of milk that ksv gave him*
*Ed refills the bowl of Beer Nuts and sets them in front of Greg*

so RacerX, that raises the question - is a Lazyboy a cultural phenomenon? Can we identify North American culture by the Lazyboy?:p
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
tismey - i'd be glad to watch the bar when you need it. but maybe we should have our first celebrity bartender this weekend. Any volunteers? And as soon as you get a break, please pour yourself a tall one and go sit on the other side of the bar. Anyone who is moving and working deserves to relax. Besides we are not trying to drive you to the point of needing a therapist right now. that would just be another added expense

Thanks Ed. In fact, I'll need tonight off if that's OK, as the lure of showbiz ligging awaits me in the form of my annual work outing to the Brit Awards (kind of the British Grammys) tonight. I've dusted off my suit and best shoes and have my eye on the ultimate prize - Kylie Minogue. If I can just convince her to share a cab with me back to her hotel.....
Originally posted by unlearnthetruth

yay 10.1.3, even tho i'm the last person here to install it....

How come EVERYBODY forgets me around here...I'm the latest on updates...except for the OS 9-people
Hey Jadey! Welcome to our humble bar. I know it is just a little place, but we do have replicators, a DJ and dance floor, a childrens menu, a sushi-chef, and even a bathroom. :p What we don't have is a kitchen or a cure for hangovers, so take it easy on the virtual drinks, okay? :D

Tismey! I sympathise entirely. I still don't have my ISP up after a whole two weeks, and am using my dad's account. What gets me is that they can cut you off if you slip over your plan by one day, and when you do pay online they can put the charge to your credit card in under an hour, but then it takes them at least a week to re-connect you. They will not be getting any more money from me! :mad: More's the pity, since they were the first ISP I've found that NEVER had a busy signal or dropout.

Oh, and dig this... I just took a tour of my local IBM data-centre yesterday. It was boring as hell because they wouldn't actually let us see anything. Not the mainframes, not the networks, not even the tape library or print room. All we were allowed to see was the cafeteria and the call-centre.
What got me, though, was their promotional video. There was an IBM programmer working at a PowerMac G4 with cinema display in the background of one of the shots! :p :rolleyes:
And when the guide turned on the big projector, it came up with the TV running "Diagnosis Murder". There was some girl in a very skimpy outfit acting all flirty, and the guide couldn't work out why his audience his trying hard not to laugh while he talked about career options.
It's great. How many other TV shows can boast 9 Van Dykes? Well, 9 is the most Van Dykes that I've ever counted in one show. Obviously we're a little behind on it over here. Maybe there's one that's been shown in the States which has more than 9 Van Dykes in it?
{Walks in, sits down and looks around}

Hey Waiter!
do you have Becks Beer her??? No??? Ok. What do you have???
And how bout some chicken wings???:confused: