Hooking up a Performa 630 as a SCSI HD


I'm trying to repair an old Performa 630 I still have but I want to get the data off of it first. Of course the entire system is bugged, boot up disks are broken so there's not much of anything I can do except delete the thing. Of course this is out of the question before I get a chance to retrieve the date.

What I usually do when I need something from another computer is hook that computer up as a FireWire HD. Just connect it through FireWire, hold a button (T i think, I always forget) and boot up the imac so it connects as a HD. Is there a way to do this with SCSI? I have the cable, I have the Powerbook G3 that has SCSI and of course all old Macs have standard SCSI connections.

Any input would be appreciated, thanks
Nope, can't do it with SCSI. You can try pulling the drive out of the Performa, then hooking it up via an internal-to-external SCSI connector to the external SCSI port of the PowerBook and get the data that way...
WEll, first of all the Performa 630 and others like it were the first to use IDE hard drives. Check here:


Secondly, since it is an IDE drive, you should be able to hook it up as a secondary drive to your Macintosh and pull off the data from it. Once you are done doing that, you can reinstall the operating system. If you don't have any for that 68K Mac, you can download System 7.5.3 freely from Apple, and update it up to 7.5.5. You could also download MacHTTP and use that Performa as a webserver. Check this site for a list of 68K Macs being used as webservers (my Quadra 650 is included in the list):

I see. I removed the HD and was going to plug it into a casing (I have some left from other external devices such as HDs, CD Readers, etc.) Anyway, I found out that it does indeed use IDE as was pointed out and I plugged it into the Sawtooth G4 I have. Resulting crashes are much more worse ...

To be continued in a different thread ...
Resulting crashes are much worse? Are you trying to boot from that drive? I would suggest installing the drive in your G4 as a secondary drive, keeping your original drive installed as well, booting from the standard G4 drive, then copying what you need from the secondary, buggy hard drive over.