how cr@p is .mac?

arden said:
Sounds like some expensive lipstick. ;)

What are your server settings? (????? don't know all goes thru aol at the mo so i didn't have to do that stuff when I got my iMac. I will be on broadband in new year (yippeeeee!!!!...I'll be able to be online AND talk to applesupport at the same time:D), so I will have to explore that part of my baby then) They might be off if you're having this much trouble. Your outgoing server address might be entered incorrectly. (could be...I took a trial of .mac when I first got my mac but never having used a computer before, i never got round to using it before the trial ran out :rolleyes: I really am a complete novice, which is why I chose mac in the first place...and I like to be contrary...and it is just SO gorgeous:D)

If you'd like some alternatives to .mac, I've got some suggestions... just let me know. :)
(yes long as it's easy and I can do it from the UK :))

Finally Arden, lipstick is VERY important and you get what you pay for ;)
also, do you really live on Fake St?? some people in uk are having to move cos no one will deliver to their address...Butt Hole Rd. personally I don't get it ...apparantly it's a Yank thing
Liz x do I get coloured text?