How do I roll up windows and disable dock animations?


I am sure mac users on classic os 9 or something were able to rollup windows so that it will only leave the title bar by double clicking on the title bar. Is this possible for mac os x? I need this feature badly and I hate minimizing everything to dock. The scale/genie effect lags the computer and I cant upgrade the RAM cos its the office's pc. Any solutions pls? Either roll up the windows or totally disable minimizing animation to dock. Or replace the dock and minimize windows to somewhere else. But I would prefer the roll up.

Any help is appreciated!
If you are needing to get to other applications under the one you presently working on you can use Expose' to allow for quick change between the programs you are multitasking. I am not sure if this is what you are needing. I mean are you looking for a way top get to the other programs you are using and place the other on hold? I am a Graphic Designer and I use this often to pull the image or program I need to the front to work with. This should not lag, but I am running to gig on my powerbook and 1.5 on my desktop. Give it a try and let me know.
I tried expose but I dun like it cos it still lags when I press the hotkey. It will animate to form thumbnails. Tts the laggy part. I jus want a simple non-animation feature to minimize or roll up windows.
I know you probally already tried this, and it does use icons but maybe not the lag your getting now. Try the the old pc way to change. apple key+tab arro over to desired app and let go. let me know I'll keep thinking.
tried that too. It works better but I just want a clean desktop but non animation for me to minimize or make it neat.. U know? The roll up option is still my first choice.
WindowShade X from Unsanity Software provides Windowshade functions in OS X (if you desperately want them)

I suggest you also switch the minimise mode to Scale instead of Genie in your Dock preference pane (it's much more economical on old machines).
I dont want to purchase something tt I can only use it at work. I cant stand the pathetic system anymore. eMac with 128mb and working using Photoshop. I can't even run winamp lite and adium together. It will lag. Any other apps that can replace those two and light on resources?
Just use the option key and click away from windows you want to minimize (aim at an empty patch of desktop so you don't accidentally select something). Then the window totally disappears! They reappear when you command + Tab or when you directly select the app you minimized in the dock.
Disable dock animations with the following direction:

Apple Menu/Dock/Dock Preferences/then deselect the "Animate opening applications" button.
No wonder everything you try lags...

PhotoShop CS requires minimum of 192MB, but better with as much RAM as possible. I have upgraded many eMacs to 512MB or more, and this makes a great difference in usability, stability, and speed as well. This being a work computer, you should request a memory upgrade, showing the minimum requirements for Photoshop as a start.

$30 or $40 should get you 128MB more, which would at least help. It would be worth the results to spend a little of your own money to upgrade the system you use (if you have other workers in the same situation, you can show-off what a small upgrade will do)
I realize that not everyone would be willing to do this, then ask about memory upgrades. If you can show a measurable improvement in productivity, then a reasonable company should allow upgrades.
Currently this eMac is using Photoshop 7 and the boss wanted to install Photoshop CS when I told him it would lag more than it already is. I suggested for a memory upgrade but not too sure if he would actually do it. How do one open up the eMac? And is the RAM same as any normal PC? Or is there a different kind for eMacs?
Probably the same as a 'normal' PC. I will guess that with 128MB of RAM, that this is not a USB 2.0 model, and you should request PC-133 SD-RAM memory. If you turn the eMac over, you'll see a door (about 6" square) with a single screw holding it in place. Open that and you'll see the 2 memory slots. Install the memory into the one empty slot, put the cover back on, fire it back up, and you should be back in business. If your eMac is on the clear swivel mount that many people add, then you must remove that first.

Try for 512MB if you can get it... :) (with PhotoShop try to get 2x512, and replace the 128, too) Good Luck!
I would recommend getting a Firewire Hard Drive (can get an 80GB for $115 or so) that you can use as a scratch disk. May help your Photoshop performance.

I also recommend turning off any "extras" item like these for better performance:
1. Turn off a changing desktop background.
2. Go to System Prefs/Appearance and change "Blue" to "Graphite". I think Graphite uses less memory to operate because of the fewer colors used overall.

Hope some of this helps. :)