How do I set up an ftp server?


Master of Reality
I created a new user named ftp, I set it to ftp web sharing or whatevr, but how do people connect to my computer?
as long as you are not behind a router, or firewall all they have to do is put your ip for the server, and the username and password, in their ftp software...

if you are behind a router, or firewall then you need to set up ip fowarding to the ftp port.. (I can't remember which port it is off hand.)
Originally posted by xaqintosh
Isn't Mac OS X automatically behind a firewall?

the firewall that is on osx is not going to matter in this case, only if the ip of your mac is not the real world ip.... if the ip your mac has is the real world ip (for instance if it is hooked diretly to the dsl/cable/whatever) then all people will have to do is put in that ip as the server (or host), and the user/pass you specified.
Howto enable ftp access:

1. open system preferences

2. click on "Allow FTP Access"

3. make a note of the number at the bottom, under computer name, next to where it reads: "IP Address"

Howto access FTP server from OSX:

1. open

2. type the following on the command line:

% ftp [[I]ip_address[/I] | [I]FQDN[/I]]

where IP address is the IP address of the server (which you should have made a note of in step 3 of the the above How-to) and FQDN is your Fully [/B]Q[/B]ualified Domain Name, e.g. is an example of a FQDN.

if you want to have a server behind a firewall, you must disregard the IP address of the server, and instead find out the IP address of the firewall router. replace that in the above instructions. also, you have to enable port forwarding in your firewall. that means tell your firewall to forward port 21 (21 is the ftp port number) to the IP address of your server (this time you will use the IP address of your ftp server for real, not the IP address of the firewall). how exactly this is done depends on your router. some routers do not allow this. consult your routers documentation. there are just two pieces of information you would need to give your firewall to be able to have a server behind it: the local IP address of the server, and the port number of the server.

yes, OSX has a built in firewall, but it is not turned on by default