How is your room or house, and how would you like it to be?


Chmod 760
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How is your room, or house? Big, small, clean, messy, colorful, pale, full of things, with only esssential stuff .. ? :)

And how do you / would you like it to be?

My ideal room is very essential. I like contrasts like white - dark colors, or old dark wood furniture and a few new items there. White walls, then maybe some metallic things, transparent things.. if any colors to highlight anything, mostly yellow.

I have never had though such a room.

When I lived with my parents (long time ago) they gathered all kind of objects and things, and made it feel very guilty to ever get rid of anything .. so they still have many of my old toys still somewhere etc. Their house is of course, full of Things, and I feel I can't breathe there. So, I know I want air .. and somehting of Zen. Nothing but essential stuff.

I am trying to get there. I am trying to get always rid of all small things that I don't need, use or like. Not liking to throw working things away, I think it is far better to give them away - e.g. books that you read once but will probably not read again - give them to a friend who might like them, or give them or the clothes or cds etc to the charity. I like how it feels to know exactly what you have, and have only the essential .. and of course, making the others happy with something that you no longer use.

I think that pretty far describes how I want the Home to be.

How is yours, and how would you like it to be? :)
Oh well, I'm living in a quite big house with my parents, so I have my own little empire. It is an attic room and so I don't really have a ceiling, there is wood everywhere. A blue carpet and light yellow paint on the walls. Table, bed (Americans would say kingsize bed) and cupboards (+close) and in a wood-metal style. It's hard to explain but I really love it. Sometimes its kinda messy but good luck for me that my girlfriend comes quite often so I have to clean the room more often then I would do by my own. Except all of that there is a TV table with a little TV on it, a table with glases, lots of little lamps, candles and a nice globe. The cupboards are filled with book, personal stuff, memories (pictures etc.). The walls are still kinda empty but soon I'll change that, too. On the table are laying around some car and windsurf magazines. The closet doors are big mirrors so the big room looks even bigger.

All told you could say it is a typical German boys room with some ideals of American guys also.
I tend to save things... specially anything with information content to it. I've never met a book (magazine, journal or manual) that I had learned enough from to consider it discardable.

In a similar way, I get very attached to my computers. Most systems have something special about them. And it doesn't help that I can remember when each of my systems was a sot after item.

As for my room... I was given the living room to do with what I wanted. The primary area is encircled with computers (the primary systems that I use regularly). Most of my friends that have seen it thought it looks like NASA... other people just gasp. But for what I do, it serves my purposes very nicely.

Attached is a floor plan and some (old) images of my room.


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I am living in a wonderful flat up to 40meters from the ground. The wonderful thing about this flat: have a view over the whole city. And another great thing: am quite some km away from the city in the middle of a forest. So, basically I am surrounded by the "silence" of nature and the clean air from the trees and some huge grass fields and still can see the hectically life and also lights from the city. It's perfectly silent here and I can have my friends invited at any time and we can have the music loud without my neighbours (who are very nice and friendly to me) get anything.
Yeah, it's wonderful. The bad thing: it's quite expensive here and for a single person (like I am by now) it's too big. Cleaning this place is darn painful. But hey, my project on convincing my girlfriend to move here from Croatia is going quite fine. I am very positive she will be here in few months.
About the style: my sleeping room is dominated by brown wood. I like the "warm" ambience of wood which I need for sleeping. However, the kitchen is very much stylish. It's a mixture of metall and blue and some fancy halogen lights. This is the part I spent most of my money. But I really had to fill that huge room... Bathroom has a lot of chrome to show off once its clean. ;) And living room is my understanding of design. I love it to not be crowd. So, there is a huge dark red alcantara couch (very flat and weide) with a nice glass table infront and my very old but big tv and a Bang&Oluvsen copied hifi! :D
Btw, the ground is made of big white stone tiles in the whole flat. Very practical but during winter not very pleasant, since I don'T have any ground heater. However, I wouldn't be a persian if there were not few carpets around. ;)
As you can see: I am very happy with my flat. Hope I won't have to move that soon..


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I'm currently living in a dorm at Ohio State University. I'm in one of the towers (Morrill and Lincoln) where I share a room on the 17th floor with two other guys. Its very crowded for the three of us and there was a fourth but he moved out. I have a small desk area where I keep my books and computer and have a few pictures hung. I sleep in the top bunk of one of the bunk beds in our room. Our room is part of a suite of four other rooms the four rooms share a collective 'main room' where we have a TV and xbox and a crappy couch. Its not much but it works. Next year some friends and I are renting a house to live in.
These pics show parts of my bedroom. They are not the most recent pics, but nothing significant has changed since I took them. If I get access to a good digital camera again, I'll show you guys the filth I live in. ;)


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everyone in my family thinks my room is the messiest place ever, but that mess is how i keep things organized....
Where are my books? under my robe.
Where's my robe? in the closet.
Where is my closet? behind the heap of garbage.
Where is the heap of garbage? in front of the closet of course!

To get from my door to my bed you have to jump.... and yes its a pretty far jump..
i'll map it out for you!


the + is the door, the - is my bed. The dots are for fun!

ps. nice pajamas Arden :p

and i want my room to look like zammy sam's flat... dude ur flat is TOO nice!
Hey, cool, you guys are full of details :)

The room I have here (temp) is small, about 10 sq m (100 sq feet or less?). I will clean it one of these days so that it will look presentable enough to take a pic or two. (Small, can't make it all fit to one pic).

The space back home is mostly white, the other color is sangria, wooden floors and small space and too many things. Well, maybe I'll do a pic of the comp corner one day.. ;)
My room is absolutely great, I installed a wood floor this summer, finished the wood around the giant window and all the trim. I have a very high sloped celling, because my room is stuck under a giant dormer in the roof, and also a loft about 9' off the floor where I can sleep right under the roof on a matress. This summer I'm gonna build myself a closet that will go up against the wall adjacent from the window so all that I will have in my room is a nice big closet, a desk, and a ladder leading up to my sleeping loft. Maybe a chair across from the desk that I can sit and read in, and of course there is a chair at my desk. But it's the best room in my house! Wood and white with almost a full wall of windows - Maybe I could take a picture of it sometime during the day.
btw - neither RacerX's floor plan or ardens picture are showing up...
I need to get more pictures. This is all I have.

Right now I'm living in the house in which I grew up. My parents live in another house across the street (previously owned by my grandparents who have passed away). The house is small, located on 5 acres of land in rural northwest Ohio. My bedroom decor includes two antique dressers, one from the early 1900's and the other from the 1940's or 1950's. The bedroom floor is hardwood, with a Karastan Victorian-style wool rug with a black and cream colored trellace pattern on it. The only reason I went with antique dressers was because after going to the furniture store and looking at dressers, seeing the sticker shock for low-quality items, I found better quality items for less money in the antiques. So, going with the style, I had to build upon the older Victorian theme. I would much rather have a style that was "newer", perhaps a little modern, like Frank Llyod Wright, but built to last. I hate buying junk furniture, especially Sauders Woodworking "engineered sawdust" products. That stuff simply won't last the test of time. Get it wet or damp once and it sags and eventually crumbles apart.
I want to learn how to build furniture, my uncle can build beautiful pieces and has furnished my parents with kitchen cabinets/counters, a beautiful mahogany leaf table, some cabinets to go with the table in our dining room, and a great wraparound office desk (which all connects together and wraps all the way around the room).
He's got all kinds of tools in his workshop and is probably the best tradesman I know, I wish I could build like him. And everyone knows, if you want something done right, do it yourself!
chemistry geek, I agree with the wardrobe. I love old dark wood furniture. It is one of the things that just makes me tranquil. Old, dark wood. With even signs of the furniture having been used before, having had a life. Light life signs in them are just attractive. Unlike in the newer things or light wood. :)
Giaguara said:
chemistry geek, I agree with the wardrobe. I love old dark wood furniture. It is one of the things that just makes me tranquil. Old, dark wood. With even signs of the furniture having been used before, having had a life. Light life signs in them are just attractive. Unlike in the newer things or light wood. :)

One dresser (early 1900's) is a high boy, solid oak, has a tiltable mirror on top, and along the sides of the mirror are beautifully carved pieces of wood that are tacked/nailed (with very tiny nails) to the support. Every drawer has a working lock and dove tail joints.

The second dresser (1940's - 50's) is just as tall, but wider, is dark cherry, has really cool swirls in the wood (also has in-layed wood), has two BIG WIDE DEEP bottom drawers, two smaller drawers side-by-side in the middle, and two very wide, shallow, and deep (going into the dresser) stacked drawers on the top. Every drawer has dovetail joints. The drawers on the sides and bottoms are made of solid oak. I saw this at a garage sale, said to the owner "I'll take it". He helped me load this HEAVY furniture into my uncle's truck. Then we looked at each other like "wow, I'm glad that's over", then I said "Oh, by the way, how much is it?"

I'll try to get pictures of them for you.