How long do you go before rebooting?


I was interested in seeing how long most of you go before restarting. Does it make a big difference, especially when running apps like Photoshop, Dreamweaver, etc.? On my Winbloze machine I have to reboot it about once a day (I use it a lot) and I have 384 MBs of RAM on a P4 processor.
I have a PC at home (my 15" Powerbook G4 1GHz will be here by Friday) and I have to admit that I practically never have to reboot my PC. I reboot whenever there's a critical update, but that's about it.
Must be nice, but I'm sure all that RAM (768 MBs) helps out a lot. I run a ton of stuff like Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Outlook, Firefox, Word, and more. I start to notice my system getting sluggish after using it for 10 hours or so then I reboot and it's a lot faster (and I just reformatted it 2 months ago).
Not for any particular reason, but my laptop rarely gets rebooted except between updates and occasional funkiness from applications (Yahoo Webcam comes to mind). It's pretty amazing that I can sleep/wake the laptop without any issues at all, runs all sorts of apps without it even blinking.

We've come a long way...
Almost never reboot, unless I've downloaded an update, or run a program such as Maintain.
I use my iBook(s) for design at home, Photoshop, In Design, etc, without problems. For your PB and what you say that you use it for, more ram would help your cause out.
And instead of rebooting, have you tried repairing permissions instead? Or running a program such as Maintain or Cocktail?
I usually only reboot when an update/install requires it. Machine is on 24/7 and never sleeps.
My OS X machine never gets rebooted unless an update requires it. It's gone 2 months without a restart before, and runs just fine from the second it boots up for as long as it's running. It's set to sleep the display after 15 minutes, and sleep the system after an hour. I log out when I'm not using it.

I'll reboot it to run Linux or OS X Server or something, but I never have to reboot it to restore performance issues. Specs in the sig.
My current uptime on my PowerBook (512 MB of RAM, running 10.2.6):
6:07PM up 47 days, 8:22, 2 users, load averages: 0.62, 0.36, 0.31

I would say I use a ton of apps and spend a ton of time on this system. Some of my primary apps:

  • Photoshop 7.0.1
    ImageReady 7.0.1
    GoLive 6.0.1
    Acrobat 5.0.5
    OmniWeb 4.5
    Create 11.4.1
    Mail 1.2.5
    LiveMotion 2.0
    RBrowser Lite 3.2.1
    TimeEqualsMoney 2.4.1
    Sound Studio 2.0.7
    Watson 1.7.5

I generally spend 15+ hours a day on my system and access it 24 hours a day.

I know my wife uses stuff like Netscape 7.1, iTunes 4.0.1 and Quicken 2003, but beyond that I'm not sure what else she uses or how she has her side set up.

Really there is no reason to shut Mac OS X down. Logging out will clear memory of all of a users apps (including cached apps). And I get kicked off my system almost twice a day so my wife can use it (at which point I move to my Rhapsody ThinkPad which has an uptime of 22 days and only has 80 MB of RAM). Beside, Mac OS X does some house keeping at night.
I don't know how often I reboot. How long is it between system or application updates that require rebooting? Our desktop Macs all run 24x7 and the system does not sleep, but the monitor and drives do.
Like legacyb4, my system usually only restarts after system updates and occaisional application misbehavior. Classic is an example of this; if a Classic app brings down the Classic environment, or I have to kill Classic for some reason, usually I've got to restart the whole system to bring Classic back up. Don't know why it works like that, but for my system it does.

Otherwise, my Mac is on 24/7, both so it can do it's dead-of-night housekeeping tasks, and to run the Seti At Home client software-I'm a long-time user of it.
The iBook gets it constantly, but then again I take it everywhere I go so there's not much I can do about it.

Haven't rebooted the beige in over 8 months, it's been chugging away with seti-at-home for the past 4 months straight.

The Sun Ultra has been on for the past three weeks or so, no reboot. I forsee that changing since I have to replace the small HD soon.

The two Win2Kpro machines at work get it on a regular schedule. One is every morning, the other is every two or three days.
I think it is depended upon what you doing. I normally reboot, once a month or whenever I feel it needs it. Some programs, especially share-ware may require a reboot after some time of use.
Okay, here's a really stupid question: What is the benefit of not shutting down a Mac other than to save the short rebooting time or run background apps? I mean, is there less wear and tear on a machine from constantly running rather than rebooting daily? And can maintenance tasks even run in sleep mode? My old BondiMac keeps the fan running during sleep and still generates a little heat, so I figure I'm saving energy and possibly preserving the fan's life by powering off at the end off work and running Onyx manually each week. Also I am afraid of what could happen if my cats decide to dance all over the keyboard when both my computer and I are asleep. (Yeah, I know I could use password protection but I'm too lazy.)
Starting any type of mechanic device puts a little more wear and tear on it. You'll find as many answers for both keep running and shutting down. Just a matter of personal preference.
The maintenance routines won't run when the machine is asleep.
andychrist said:
Okay, here's a really stupid question: What is the benefit of not shutting down a Mac other than to save the short rebooting time or run background apps? I mean, is there less wear and tear on a machine from constantly running rather than rebooting daily?

I think it has more to do with how much you use your system than anything else. I use my systems 24/7. I can't think of a time when I would shut them down that won't be followed a short time later by firing them back up again. I don't have an normal schedule (sleeping, eating, working) so it just doesn't make sense for me to ever shut down. Also I keep info on a ton of different systems. I watch TV on my SGI Indy, I use my 7100 as a ZIP drive and extra CD-ROM drive (it is also where I keep all my classic apps as I don't have classic on my PowerBook. My iMac is what either my wife or I move too when the other of us is on the PowerBook (or I'll move to my ThinkPad). Of my 23 computers, those are the 24/7 crew. Other ones get fired up as I need them. The Sun, 7500 (Rhapsody 5.6), Quadra 950 (Mac OS 8.1) and Quadra 700 (A/UX 3.0.1) all stay off until I need them.

I also run SETI@Home.

On the other hand, if I leave home for more than 24 hours (if I go on a trip somewhere) everything gets shut down.

And can maintenance tasks even run in sleep mode?

I don't think so. My systems screen dim and hard drive sleep, but the system in RAM is always awake. I need to be able to access them at any point via the network.