How long do you keep your laptop on?


OS X Friendly
I just got an iBook. I am so used to my iMac and having it constantly on. Either active or in sleep mode. The machine rarely was restarted or shutdown for long durations.

What is the overall consensus on your power activities on your iBook or pBook.
Same thing. Only restart when forced to after installations. Only shut down if taking a holiday and that I'll be gone for more than 3 days.
Well, the last time I restarted was after 91 days, I'm currently at 53 days.

As I stopped using a battery a long time ago (I have a second hard drive in one bay and a CD-RW in the other), it only gets shut down when I go on calls with it. As I have moved to my Rhapsody ThinkPad for mobile stuff again, my PowerBook doesn't leave unless it is something that specifically needs the PowerBook.
I have it on during the whole week or at least put it to sleep. However, during the weekends, I tend to turn it off so the max time should be 6 days.
I leave my PB12" on all the time. If not using it is in sleep mode. I transport the laptop to work everyday in my bag in sleep mode. I admit, I do a restart more often than most peeps.
I usually reboot after about every 60 days or so, repair permission and fsck. Been purring like a kitten for 3 years now. My friend of course called me up last night with his 3 year powerbook and told me he moved it for the first time off his desk to visit a friend and shut it down for the first time as well. So, basically it has been in sleep mode for 3 years, and he says he uses it about 3 to 4 times a week. Well, he had a suprise when he rebooted, spinning wheels, gray screens, black screen, molases screen draws. It took us about an hour to do a little spring cleaning in july, but things seem back to normal for another 3 years of sleep for him.
Randman said:
Same thing. Only restart when forced to after installations. Only shut down if taking a holiday and that I'll be gone for more than 3 days.

That's what I do too!
I keep mine on sleep all the time, though every now and then it decides to turn itself off; even if I dont' want it to. :)
Cool, thanks for the info. I just wanted to make sure since this is my first portable.

And, sorry to hear your unwanted shutdowns Natobasso.

Right now, I am going to use the rule of thumb of if its not going to be used within 24hrs, then it will be shut down. (Which me without it for 24hrs is rare.)
I think I'm like many users...I use my G3 iBook at work for peripheral tasks, meetings, etc. I use prefs or sometimes scripts to run maintenence or spin down the HD when it's not being used at night or on weekends. Mine used to give me a lot of problems when it was new and as my first laptop, I though I should power it on and off all the time. Oy.