How much space do you have?

Your storage space

  • 10GB or less

  • 11-60GB

  • 61-100GB

  • 101-150GB

  • 151-300GB

  • 300+GB

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I remember the good old days when I was surprised at hearing someone say they had more than a gig of files on their hard drive.
Then when my graphite clamshell came with 6GB and it seemed plenty for my needs.
And now we're hearing rumors of 60GB iPods and I seriously asked myself if I'd rather have one of those or an external hard drive in the 250GB range.
I'm going to assume that I'll be on the lower end of this poll (which isn't bad considering I only own Apple laptops). Let's see, 2 iBooks (60 and 6), 2 iPods (a 20 [for G/F] and a 40. A 40GB external hard drive from Maxtor. 166 (146 minus the 20 iPod). And that's discounting CD/DVD content, my iDisk, a couple of thumb drives and a Zip drive stored away with the PS/1 in the closet.
160gb fileserver
80gb Duron
60gb tibook
20gb iBook

just additionally: work: 2,5 tb :D ;)

But seriously, I am using not even 20% of my home space
40gb in PowerBook
My two lacie drives. 250gb drive for backup. 80gb drive as FCP scratch disk
10gb in old G4 tower.


A third of a tb sounds pretty good when i think of it that way. Until i bought the 250gb drive everything was pretty much full. Right now i've got about 100gb free, but am making a documentary so expect to fill up the rest with video pretty fast.
160gb External LaCie Drive
40gb in Powerbook
4gb in Ipod
Im not gettin that in debt such as 4.7gb for a DVD lol
30GB in iBook
20GB in External FW Drive
6.4GB on BeOS Machine
2GB on Linux Machine

I still have;
19GB free on iBook
9GB free on FW Drive (for Backups)
6GB free on BeOS Machine on separate Partitions. I'm experimenting with OpenBeOS
Debian Machine is Maxed Out. I should uninstall some Packages.

my iBook and FW Drive used to be maxed out, but I had to delete all my MP3s so I could put together some Video in iMovie, and I needed a Scratch Disk.
160gb in g5
30gb in powerbook
6gb external drive
15gb ibook
40gb + 6gb in powermac b&w
30gb on vaio
10gb online storage

im the only one with 10GB or less space available... to be exact.... i have 1GB... ehehe...
Well, I'm a happy camper. Maybe I had space on the mind but I just got back from a computer show at the local expo and walked away with a 120GB external drive. Not a bad price, less than US$150. Maybe I'll sell the 40, but that pushes me to 266. Now I can import the rest of my home movies in and not have to worry about burning the raw footage to DVD to making a movie as soon as I import.
Azrad, as long as you have enough space to do what you need to. :)
But I'm a little surprised. I thought we'd have a few people in the terrabyte range.
200 GB Maxtor FW/USB-2
60 GB Maxtor FW
60 GB internal (PB)
10 GB iPod
Plus many, many empty DVD-Rs and CD-Rs. ;-)
ehehe.. yeah... most of the notebook nowadays coming with atleast 40GB... i was refering to my old iBook G3 366MHz running Panther (see my signature). It comes with 10GB of space.

hopefully, next month i will be able to get my new 15" 1.5GHz PowerBook. ehehehe....
A PowerBook will be a serious upgrade. Heck, I used to use my graphite clamshell at home with its 6GB hard drive (and it's still going strong) because I had top-of-the-line Macs at work and oodles of storage space.
my 60gb are enough to keep a huge VPC disc and all my movie trailers from I also have a bunch of mail-attachments and of course many many many pdf files. All together that should make around 20gb of my 60gb. Anyway, it's a nice feeling to know I don't have to delete any files for a looooong time ;)
60GB in the PowerBook G4
8GB in the Powerbook G3
20GB in the iPod
40GB in the PC (+200MB scratchdisk)
80GB in the other PC
1GB in the Toshiba Satellite

And a multitude of other computers (Mac LC, Performa, Classic (x3), Powerbook 120, 240 etc, etc, and the other other OTHER PC)
I now use hard drives as a clumsy removable media option. I built two homemade "docks" similar to the iPod dock where I take a Weibetech FW400 enclosure back and forth from home/work and just slide it in [to a FW400-based connection dock]. As I need a new drive, I just pop it open and drop in a new drive. I plan to switch to their Combodock, which essentially allows non-enclosure drive usage (it's just a connector). It looks inelegant, but is very near perfect for how I use hard drives.

I have a shelf full of client media drives. I now buy a separate drive for each client, mostly for capturing video so I never have to recapture. Drive prices are so cheap these days, it's easy to just pad the invoice for a $100 and have permanent convenience of all the files.

Iomega was on to something with whatever that hard drive dock thing was they had a few years back. I think they were just too early to market (before hard drive went crazy cheap). And they pretty much forced you to use their hard drives. What I wish someone would develop next is a better, simpler connection interface so we could literally use hard drives like big floppy disks. Basically the Jaz drive of years ago, but not proprietery.

In terms of general day to day work files and personal files, I don't know, maybe a couple hundred GB. Several hundred more for client drives. 2-3TB, something like that.
Quadra 650 - 9 GB
Athlon XP - 30 GB system HD, 15 GB file storage HD
"FrankenDell" PC - 10 GB
Son's PII-400 - 10 GB
5x86 PR-133 - 8 GB
I've got 200 in my PC all of which is used up, about 10 is free. 30 in my iBook in which 20 of that is used up. Im planning on getting a new Hard drive for me pc soon, putting that inside the case and then getting a firewire enclosure and using one of the hard drives from my pc to put on that so i have more storage for the iBook.