How much Virtual Memory do your aps use? Mine seem to be off the wall...


I am the law!
My system runs like crap after a few days. I run system manager's memory graph to monitor things, and I've determined that my system starts swapping like crazy after a while and I'm guessing thats why it runs slow.

Then I got looking at the VM stats for each application in top...the numbers are ridiculous:

Finder 171M
Safari 299M
Terminal 142M
Dock 131M
iTunes 148M
Mail 207M
Window Manager 170M
Kernal Task 676M

see the whole list here:
and vm_stat:

Even when I quit all applications, my "active" memory remains very high [around 700mb]. I have 1.2GB of ram, that should be enough.

On a fesh boot, everything is sweet, active memory is normal and everything is super fast. I don't get it.
yours seems pretty normal... you don't have a lot of paging going on...
what was your systems uptime roughly when you ran top and vm_stat?
top -u extract :

  593 Terminal    56.7%  0:03.89   4    63   124  1.40M+ 5.86M  4.70M+ 54.5M 
  246 Window Man  29.8% 14:01.52   3   185   274  6.82M- 18.7M  19.9M- 58.4M-
  597 top          7.6%  0:01.88   1    14    17   192K   340K   488K  13.6M 
    0 kernel_tas   6.8% 36:08.73  28     0     -      -      -  48.7M   381M 
  216 syslogd      4.5% 35:53.01   1     7    13    80K   320K   160K  1.28M 
  174 ATSServer    0.0%  3:56.64   2    54   234   912K  6.52M  4.05M  38.3M 
  588 Navigator    0.0%  3:51.71  22   259   469  32.5M  27.7M  42.0M   266M 
  370 Finder       0.0%  3:44.41   7   140   332  31.5M  26.5M  36.1M   153M
  589 Mail         0.0%  0:52.32   5   163   203  5.68M  15.8M  13.6M  76.1M
  365 Dock         0.0%  0:35.92   3   118   166  1.36M  14.2M  8.02M  95.6M
   70 update       0.0%  0:16.31   1     7    13    48K   304K   104K  1.26M
  369 SystemUISe   0.0%  0:13.73   4   150   148  1.80M  5.53M  4.56M  55.0M
  104 configd      0.0%  0:10.27   3   102   141   624K  1.21M  1.84M  16.1M

Your values are completely absurd indeed. Tried running some disk repair software ? Is your RAM well installed ?

Additional question: would Mac OS X support 1152M RAM onmy G3/500 iMac ? I have already 128M + 512M, I'd like to take 128M chip off and get another 512M. Would it work ? Would it be supported ? I read s'where maximum is 1G.
I've always got crazy sizes, like 144M for OmniWeb (only one window open...), 97M for MSN Messenger, and a whopping 1.07G for Classic (no apps open, and sleeping)... My RAM's fine.

Processes:  64 total, 3 running, 61 sleeping... 221 threads09:37:46
Load Avg:  1.44, 1.72, 1.63     CPU usage:  53.8% user, 46.2% sys, 0.0% idle
SharedLibs: num =  130, resident = 25.0M code, 1.68M data, 6.99M LinkEdit
MemRegions: num = 7134, resident =  169M + 8.08M private, 85.4M shared
PhysMem:   109M wired,  313M active,  309M inactive,  731M used, 37.4M free
VM: 3.57G + 52.3M   70308(70308) pageins, 35339(35339) pageouts

12048 FahCore_65   0.0%  9:44:23   2    26    18  3.34M   848K  4.02M  54.7M
   72 Window Man   0.0%  3:43:27   3   260  1141  4.19M  26.2M  30.2M  73.1M
    0 kernel_tas   0.0% 88:09.30  27     0     -      -      -  97.7M   664M
 9239 iTunes       0.0% 59:49.53   8   164   314  10.1M  16.4M  14.4M   103M
 7370 SecurityAg   0.0% 29:54.39   2    88    88  1.37M  8.20M  2.71M  83.6M
  373 TabletDriv   0.0% 18:58.15   2   131    68   104K  4.78M   616K  68.7M
10519 OmniWeb      0.0% 14:46.15  33   276   725  38.1M  22.4M  49.2M   144M
  350 loginwindo   0.0% 11:49.29   7   165   188  4.38M  8.65M  5.80M  76.9M
 6540 TruBlueEnv   0.0%  9:13.73  16   257   250  13.9M  6.02M  16.5M  1.07G
12047 Folding@ho   0.0%  6:35.11   7   103   147  2.84M  21.7M  10.9M   106M
  127 NortonAuto   0.0%  3:58.92   7    52    81   836K   652K  1.34M  7.98M
 7735 Finder       0.0%  3:50.81   3    91  1203  55.7M  15.3M  50.7M   146M
   70 ATSServer    0.0%  3:27.52   1    40   121  1.07M  7.46M  3.13M  25.2M
   74 update       0.0%  2:42.40   1     8    13    12K   276K    76K  1.25M
  379 FaxJobMgr    0.0%  2:01.15   2    83    64   616K  7.88M  1012K  80.8M
13408 MSN Messen   0.0%  1:18.57  12   162   173  4.85M  14.1M  9.73M  97.5M
  378 iTunesHelp   0.0%  0:10.25   1    52    66   344K  5.07M   540K  73.4M
You guys are looking at it - sort of - wrong. The Virtual Size (VSIZE) is how much the app is using PLUS all the linked in libraries and such. Most of those are shared between lots of apps, not just for that one app. Doesn't really mean how much virtual memory it's using.

Look at the Real Size (RSIZE) for how much ram the app is actually using itself.

From the top man page:

RSIZE(delta) the total resident memory (real pages that this process currently has associated with it. Some may be shared by other processes).

VSIZE(delta) the total address space currently allocated (including shared).

When you actually run top, look at the info at the top of it. The bottom line says something about VM (though this always seems wrong to me, but I'm not 100% sure what it actually is measuring), and next to it two lines that say pagein and pageout. Those will actually show you if you're using actual virtual memory. Look at the numbers in the parentheses - if they're not zero, you're paging memory in & out of the hard drive - virtual memory.
Yeah maybe I should have made that more clear in my post too hehe--good point!

It's also kinda obvious when I see PhysMem: 37.4M free with 786M total and there's one thing using 1.07G hehe :p
Originally posted by michaelsanford
Yeah maybe I should have made that more clear in my post too hehe--good point!

It's also kinda obvious when I see PhysMem: 37.4M free with 786M total and there's one thing using 1.07G hehe :p

VM is not physical memory, its ram that has been paged to the disk. So that number is how much Virtual memory is being used.

And if you look at my pageins and pageouts you will see that my system is swapping WAY too much.
Use Memorystick to hear when it pagesout. I noticed that along time ago, I just restart after a few days of work. Sometimes logging out, then in clears some, but a fresh restart is always better for me.
Fahrvergnuugen - it looks like you may have a "zombie" process. Do ps -auxc, and look at the column that has R's and S's. Look and see if one says Z. If so, then you do have a zombie process - that may be what's eating up your memory.

Unfortunately, the only way I know of to get rid of it is to reboot....
Zombies don't eat memory they eat BRAINS!

Seriously though a zombie process only uses an entry in the process table and no other resources... as they search for BRAINS!!!
