! How to make OS X Fast as !@#$


cocoa love
:DFor you of those that have G3's or are complaining how slow OS X can be somtimes, You guys have got to try this! Shadow Killer :DDownload it now!! Now! What are you wating for!!? This is such a small app and you only have to open it once to see its efffects forever. I guarantee that your computer will go at least 2 times faster when it comes to menus/resizing/moving windows:D

This is the best optimizing App i have ever seen and it is so amazing....

this app has been mentioned more than a few times, but I dunno if it ever was about speed... and I didn't really see it from that point of view...

but I just can't get used to the way things look because there isn't any border on the left side of the windows... if you don't have any windows stacked, I guess it's ok...

well, I'm not on G3 now, but I'm gonna run it for a few days to see if I can get used to the view... and I never really felt like complaining about window resizing, etc, so I don't really know about the speed improvement... can't hurt though, I think

Not trying to be rude, but you seem to have a history of making senational headlines for the topic of your posts. I would very much like to see objective results of your claims to "I guarantee that your computer will go at least 2 times faster when it comes to menus/resizing/moving windows". From yur claims, I expect to see the time (in seconds) between standard OS X menus/resizing/moving windows and modified OS X menus/resizing/moving windows. I REALLY dislike it when people make claims about ANYTHING without showing supporting evidence or facts. When it comes to reporting facts, I as a chemist refute all that I cannot see before in black and white. And might I also add, that you should conduct this experiement multiple times on your Mac and as many Macs as you can find. It is standard to report min, max, mean, standard deviation, and correlation statistics when reports such figures. If you need a stop watch, I can provide one, if you need a formula, I can provide that too.

Please don't take this wrong, not trying to be rude, but I'm very tired of seeing "OH THIS WILL SPEED UP YOUR COMPUTER LOTS MAN!...Trust me....

As with many of the readers here, we seek proof to your claims...that is all.

I just tried it on my B/W G3 450.

dragged some windows around, resized them.
I tested in the Finder and in IE and Textedit.

I couldn't feel much speedimprovement, it was rather minimal.
In fact it was so minimal that I rather look at the bit slower shadows :)

But I guess it surely helps on systems slower than mine, though.
Well It made my iBook 466 really fast !!!!
Looks weird, but hey love the speed.

Chemistry, shut the hell up. I made one person happy and that's what i was aiming for. I refuse to spend a good half hour or hour of my day to return results to some moron who requests it i dont even know.

Originally posted by whitesaint

Chemistry, shut the hell up. I made one person happy and that's what i was aiming for. I refuse to spend a good half hour or hour of my day to return results to some moron who requests it i dont even know.


simmer down. He was asking you to verify your claims, no need for personal attacks.
For you of those that have G3's or are complaining how slow OS X can be somtimes, You guys have got to try this! Shadow Killer Download it now!! Now! What are you wating for!!? This is such a small app and you only have to open it once to see its efffects forever. I guarantee that your computer will go at least 2 times faster when it comes to menus/resizing/moving windows


I'm sorry you felt so threatened by my requests to subtantiate and support your claims that you had to respond with a personal attack againt me. All I asked was for you to SHOW that your methods resulted in at least a 2X increase in performance. Is there a limit to the increase in performance? Is it similar for every Macintosh out there? How many Macs with different hardware and speed had any increase in performance? Was the increase in peformance consistent across G3s, G4s? It isn't like I also requested your answer show significant figures too. It seems to me, and possibly others reading this forum, that your posts have subjects like the theme of a hypothetical Macintosh Tabloid, almost to the point of luring readers to read your posts. Unfortuantely, after reading through the post completely are the readers drawn to the conclusion that "Ah, well, it doesn't quite work THAT way, bummer." Judging by the manner in which you responded, it very well may be true that your posts are not completely true...about as true (and deceiving) as the statements made by P.T. Barnum. Perhaps we'll never know, but we all have our own ideas.

Sincerely yours,


Originally posted by Tigger
I just tried it on my B/W G3 450.

dragged some windows around, resized them.
I tested in the Finder and in IE and Textedit.

I couldn't feel much speedimprovement, it was rather minimal.
In fact it was so minimal that I rather look at the bit slower shadows :)

But I guess it surely helps on systems slower than mine, though.

on my 400 it doesn't hardly make a difference. I guess if it makes you happy run it!
Anyone have the mace, please hand it to me...

Alright folks... lets cool it down around here. This is the town Sheriff. Now I realize your frustration with your slow browser, your slow window resizing, and well, frankly slow everything on your Mac, but this is not a place for a dual. If you want to dual, you will not do so in this town.

Now, shape up, shake... or get on your horses and ride out of this town.



Sheriff of This Here Place
I tried ShadowKiller once. I have a G3/500 powerbook and there was no speed increase, or if there was it was negligable. Not only that, with no shadows OSX is just plain ugly. There are no borders to the windows.

I found a bigger increase was to use the tips/tricks post to replace the Apple Finder (as in the Finder doesn't launch at all) with SNAX. I've also replaced the Dock with DragThing, but I don't recommend it b/c OSX has some issues when the dock isn't running at all (can't minimize or shut down).