Bonefill, what I suggested about the translating on Babelfish, and re-translating the same thing back is only to show how it changes. You understand both English and Spanish, so you'd see how it changes on 1 translation, then on the 2nd. Think then a user who is not fluent - if you translate a text to another language it looks bad, especially if the logic of the language is different. Thus, if I who don't speak any German or Japanese, think in Italian, Spanish or English and translate THAT to German or Japanese, it will be very difficult to understand. Some friends babelfished me emails trying to make me think they speak Italian. But as they didn't, it was painful to read. Everything is on the wrong way. but apparently word by word it can be correct - with a lot of expressions and words translated wrong. If you think and write in German and babelfish it in English, it will look very hervèish. The verbs are weird and in the wrong places, and so on.